Monday, June 07, 2004

kembalikan keindahan

setitis air mata
gugur ke bumi
menjadi lautan kaca
harus ku renangi

tak rela bersedih
dihimpit duka
berkaca hati merintih
pecah tak ku duga

inikah cinta menghiris jiwa
kau biar hidup ku jadi melara
sucikah cinta kau cemar janjinya
bertarung aku dengan sengsara

kembalikan keindahan
cahaya dihatiku
sinar dan senyuman
ku setia menunggu


that was a little poem i came up with, unfortunately it was in malay but i'll translate it to english for those who dont it goes


restore the bliss

a teardrop
fell to the ground
creating a sea of glass
that i have to swim in

cannot bear the sadness
confined with grief
a glass heart cries
never expected to be broken

is this love that pierces the heart
that left my life to be torn apart
is love so pure that is has to be ruined
fighting alone amidst the pain

restore the bliss
the light in heart
shines and smiles
loyally i await


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