hey ants, its that time of the week again!! the time where i actually have some little leisure time to myself for blogging. its been so long. but the reason is, i cant find the time. i reach home from sch and its ard 8pm. then i watch tv and play com all the way till 11+pm then i sleep. and then next day is sch. see no time k. that is on nothing-to-do days mind you. on days when i'm busy busy. i'll be in sch doing my project and at home doing my project. then on weekends i work. i reach home and i'm dead tired. so yah. u get the idea. welcome to my life.well i'm gonna take this oppurtunity to do a little update bout my trip to dimsum dollies on its gala night. i've been wanting to catch it for a long time. the last time i went it was sold out. so now i've decided to book it days in advance. oh yah, for those of you dukus who donno what dim sum dollies are, you are missing on smthing great. its a great comedy musical performed by three really funny ladies, pam, emma and selena. the show is those witty and sarcastic type of funny show. so if you're the type of ppl who find phua chu kang uber funny, then this show wont rock your boat. they poke fun at social issues in singapore and also politics. its really really funny. well, fortunately i found a fren, sherine, my business development group member who loved the idea of watching a comedy musical on a sch night of a ticket that cost 30bucks for the furthest row. haha. yay!
so we had dinner at 7eleven(we wanted smthing light) later and proceeded to the esplanade. along the way decided to snap a foto.
notice the thing says please do not touch the artwork. well, i know i'm abstract but never knew ppl regarded me as a piece of art. lol.anyway, they did a bag check at the entrance to the theatre and we weren't allowed to take any fotos. so, sorry but u wont be seeing any fotos of the show then. but wait, there's still fotos of us.we didnt manage to take foto with the cast so the next best thing will do. their poster.
sherineoverall the show was nice. but it wasnt as spectacular as last year's. this year we saw the guest appearance of hossean leong. i used to thought hossean leong was funny. he is. but jus that he's really slapstick and its not my style. i think he somewhat made the show worst this year. eergh. anyhows, the three ladies were still spectacular and i give the show a one and a half thumbs up, if its physically possible. haha. after the show, we went for dinner at the glutton bay. its this makansutra place beside the esplanade and it was filled with people mostly from after watching the show. it was 11pm then.
sherine had fishball soup with fishball the size of mother fishballs.
while i had a carrot cake. it was lovely. food was yummy and the night was fun. if only we didnt have sch at 8am the next day. so we left after dinner, or if you wanna call it supper, to catch the last train home.
on the way home thru the tunnel at esplanade. i had a great day.alijohari
hi ants,sorry havent been really updating much lately. been really busy lately(as usual). and also i got food poisoning lately and it was horrible. but some ppl say i look thinner. must be from the puking and the shitting. haha. well, am fine now but still feeling rather tired and weak lately. so thats it for now. will update smthing by the end of this week k. cya.love ya,alijohari
oh sheeva,
i'll try to slot in little mini updates here and there whenever i can find the time. as of now i jus finished my lunch which was disgusting. do not. i repeat, do not. try by any chance, the beef kebab from the mediterranean stall in foodcourt 6 at SP. unless of course, if u have a certain liking for wet tyres.
well this happened on 7th of august, a sunday. me and puisan decided to go watch dim sum dollies which will be held at the esplanade theatre. jasmine couldnt make it as she had smthing on. first i foremost, i told puisan to buy the ticket the day before the concert but once again i get to repeat my favourite words ,'Nobody Listens to Ali!!!'
oh wells, so we met up the day of the musical at 1pm. it was to be held at 3pm at esplanade. met up at bishan junction 8 to book the tickets first. but to our dismay. tickets were sold out. blardy hell, i was so looking forward to this. that was jus dampening my mood for the day. so in the end we decided to head for where else, but town. *rolls eyes*
we jus got bored of the normal shop shop shop. i'm getting really bored with that. especially at town cause theres nothing else that u haven seen. so we decided to go to the route rarely travelled. its this route that passes palais renaissance, forum, hilton hotel and tanglin mall. its jus on whole straight line with not much shops for teenagers to go to. but as for me, i jus love the exploring. first, we pass the royal thai embassy. so i decided to take a little snap there.
den puisan took a foto along the way.
after some more walking, ps took a foto while we were at the road intersection near Forum.
it was really a blardy hot day. and guess what, i was wearing black. oh sheeva. furthermore it's long sleeve. i was practically wet under my shirt. haha. den we jus walk and walk somemore till we i came across this pyramid-like object near this place called the orientalist. it was suppose to be a fountain. but since it was such a hot day, all the water dried up. thats why it doesnt look one tinsey winsey bit wet.
we passed by this row of shops that looked really vintage. and guess wad they sold, antiques. haha. they had like statues of buddha and wooden carven objects. really nice and cool. but i like the exterior. it's really rare in singapore for u to see shops that look like these. most of our shops are in high rise malls, very 'metallic and glass' exterior. in singapore, it is inside the shop that attracts the people, not the outside of the shop. that means it is what is sold, not where it's sold. but so we cant blame it at anyone cause our land area is jus a small 648km2. u cant expect to see low rise building. it is jus not practical.
mewell thats it for now. i gotta rush off for class. will update about my dim sum dollies(the one that happened) trip next time k. await it ya.toodles.alijohari
hi ants,firstly, i must explain why i call u guys ants. haha. ladies and gentlemen, i dont call u guys ants cause i think i'm sweet. i dont think i'm sweet. i know it. haha. anyway, i chose ants cause it signifies a colony of close knitted insects. ants are always together. it is their togetherness that appeals to me.well, was suppose to blog today but didnt really have enough time, so i jus decided to post 2 pics up first. its of my ants. this is how i envision my ants to be. well, i shall call u guys urban ants.
the gal
the guythats all for now, enjoy.alijohari
hi everyone,am really dead beat right now. had a great time at escape. it'll take me forever to upload fotos so please be patient. the earliest i can update my blog would be tmr late. but dont hold ur breath on it. u might not survive. still have many projects that i have to get done soon. i might actually update later.so many things, so little time. i've decided on a name to call my blog's loyal visitiors. i'm gonna call all u guys ANTS.dont u think its lovely?feeling sweet,alijohari
hello.i've been busy with sch and work these. took a little time off today to catch charlie and the chocolate factory with my gv frens. today was my first sign in. it comes with the perquisites of the job. u get to watch a free movie each week. but i never found the time. so finally i'm no longer a signing-in virgin. cool. anyway, the show was good. it was abit lame. well, it was ultra retarded. but its brainless. so its those happy happy movie u jus sit and watch and leave happy. i rate it 3.5/5stars.tmr catching dim sum dollies at the esplanade. saturday, escape to escape.will update u guys with pics soon. till then. take care.love ya,alijohari
whoah! it feels like ages since i last blogged here. so many things have been happening in my life. i've actually given my blog a new look. with this new template, it gives it a wonderful happy happy feeling. doesnt it jus remind you of the happy happy me u all this while? haha. i want my blog to be entertaining and happy. nothing gloomy. but i'm still human, i do have days when i'm not so happy happy too. i hope everyone enjoys my new blog(technically).
and yah, dont forget to tag each time u visit. jus say hi or simple leave a comment. i'll really appreciate it.
this entry will be bout my week.
exhibition boards are here! we have a retail environment technology(RET) project and a part of the project make it necessary for us to doll up a board, the size of a door, with stuff related to our project. so we (me, sheryl, jf and jy) sat and discussed what to have on our board till. denise had to leave earlier cause she had training. the whole discussion took a while and we left school around 8.30pm.

so while waiting they(sheryl and jf) got bored

and so did i. this was suppose to be a yommy yommy advertisement for pokka green tea.

and then i acted retarded with sheryl.

two of my classmates, maddie and yasi(at the back) popped in while me and denise were taking foto.
in year one when i did project with sheryl, jf, cecilia and charlene and it ended late. we like to run down the slope on the way down to the mrt station. for all of you who donno, the business block is located at the top of a hill. so we have to climb a slope to reach our classes. damn tiring. anyway, so me and jf took this oppurtunity to reminisce and ran down the slope together. it felt great. kinda like a stress reliever.
skipped lesson to continue with our board. everyone is kinda tired with the burden from the other projects. apart from this, we have 4 other projects pending.morale was low, so we decided to leave early, get some rest and come back early in the morning tmr, fresh and ready to complete our board.
deadline for board completion is 3pm. so we all met in school at 10am to get it done.

met my fan club(thats what all my fans call them) along in the lift.

and took another shot.

also met ps at the library and decided to snap a shot.
and so we put up all the stuff we made. took us like 4hours for all the cutting, the pasteing and the other stuff and finally the its up.

the final product. our project was on converse.

our main piece on the board was a tv. it had a handle where u rotate it and u can see the different different products converse had. we mad it from cardboard. it was our pride and joy and it took us forever to make it.

we also had to up a 5Ps (product, price, place, promotion, people). we decided to make them into cute icons to stick it on our board.

and finally the group members that made this exhibition board a reality. hip hip hooray!
so after the project was done. teacher graded us while we explained the concept of it. she said our board was nice visually but didnt really have much info on it. darn. but hey at least it was nice. later i walked around the flea market they had at the convention centre. saw some familiar faces setting up stall there. said hi and decided to support my fellow friends by buying their products. met up with xc and mx later. we've decided to go raffles place. i was too free in the afternoon and decided that i could help them with their project while i while my time away.

me with xc posing while giving out surveys.

took time off to snap a shot in front of the tall buildings in raffles place. the view was stunning.

after giving out surveys, we decided to go to fareast square for dinner. while on the way saw a nice feng shui thingy and me and xc took a foto with it. there were some ladies inside the office laughing at us. -_-"

me and mx also took a short little trip to malacca along the way. we used our magic powers to teleport all the way to malaysia and back.

saw a nice waterfall along the way and i decided to take foto with it.



a funny shot with me and mx at the waterfall

xc and mx. the waterfall was huge.

us at a temple museum

mx at the water gate at far east sq. the thing behind her is a fountatin.

my turn.

we thought this figure was cool and decided to take a foto with it. me.

mx turn to pose.

and then xc decided to pose. she took many shots here. she was unsatisfied with many. but i chose the best looking one to put here.

so sweet. bleah.

love is so confusing. what is love?!?!
well that has been my life for this week. hectic yet loads of fun. jus came back from a family gathering. knowing me, you'd know i dont really like family gatherings but today's one was rather ok. i didnt enjoy it but at least i didnt hate it. haha.
anyway, cant wait to go watch dim sum dollies tmr with ps. am sooooooooooo looking forward to it.
also cant wait to go escape theme park with JAP next weekend. am soooooo looking forward to scream my lungs out. hahaha.
amidst all the fun i'm gonna have, i cant forget to get my project completed too. its not enough jus getting them completed, they must be completed well. i would blog much these days cause i'll be busy with my projects. will update u guys when i get the time k.
love you,