its that time of the week again!! the time where i actually have some little leisure time to myself for blogging. its been so long. but the reason is, i cant find the time. i reach home from sch and its ard 8pm. then i watch tv and play com all the way till 11+pm then i sleep. and then next day is sch. see no time k. that is on nothing-to-do days mind you. on days when i'm busy busy. i'll be in sch doing my project and at home doing my project. then on weekends i work. i reach home and i'm dead tired. so yah. u get the idea. welcome to my life.
well i'm gonna take this oppurtunity to do a little update bout my trip to dimsum dollies on its gala night. i've been wanting to catch it for a long time. the last time i went it was sold out. so now i've decided to book it days in advance.
oh yah, for those of you dukus who donno what dim sum dollies are, you are missing on smthing great. its a great comedy musical performed by three really funny ladies, pam, emma and selena. the show is those witty and sarcastic type of funny show. so if you're the type of ppl who find phua chu kang uber funny, then this show wont rock your boat. they poke fun at social issues in singapore and also politics. its really really funny.
well, fortunately i found a fren, sherine, my business development group member who loved the idea of watching a comedy musical on a sch night of a ticket that cost 30bucks for the furthest row. haha. yay!

so we had dinner at 7eleven(we wanted smthing light) later and proceeded to the esplanade. along the way decided to snap a foto.

notice the thing says please do not touch the artwork. well, i know i'm abstract but never knew ppl regarded me as a piece of art. lol.
anyway, they did a bag check at the entrance to the theatre and we weren't allowed to take any fotos. so, sorry but u wont be seeing any fotos of the show then. but wait, there's still fotos of us.
we didnt manage to take foto with the cast so the next best thing will do. their poster.


overall the show was nice. but it wasnt as spectacular as last year's. this year we saw the guest appearance of hossean leong. i used to thought hossean leong was funny. he is. but jus that he's really slapstick and its not my style. i think he somewhat made the show worst this year. eergh. anyhows, the three ladies were still spectacular and i give the show a one and a half thumbs up, if its physically possible. haha.
after the show, we went for dinner at the glutton bay. its this makansutra place beside the esplanade and it was filled with people mostly from after watching the show. it was 11pm then.

sherine had fishball soup with fishball the size of mother fishballs.

while i had a carrot cake. it was lovely.
food was yummy and the night was fun. if only we didnt have sch at 8am the next day. so we left after dinner, or if you wanna call it supper, to catch the last train home.

on the way home thru the tunnel at esplanade.
i had a great day.
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