firstly, many thanks to everyone that wished me good luck for the results today. i really really really needed that. so results was to be out at 8.30am today online. so i woke up at 9 to check it. the server was really slow. and guess wad time did i only managed to view the the login page? 9.45am. gosh. and so, i logged in and everything went well. i passed. =) i was really on tenterhooks waiting for the results to be out. i feared my financial management paper the most. i left 3 questions blank cause my mind jus went blank at that point of time. well, i got a subsidiary pass which means that i failed but the teachers like my face so they gave me a pass. yippie doodles.
hmm. as for now, lets take the time machine back saturday, 10 september 2005.
i had a study grant presentation ceremony to attend at my father's club. it was at ourtam or smthing so me and my family jus took a cab there.
the ceremony happened. i got the cheque. attended the reception buffet. went home.
that was it. in short. didnt take many photos so i'll jus post one here.

my family at the club.
lets get back into the time machine and go to wednesday, 21 september 2005.
Happy Birthday to my Unicorn, Tuesday
=)life has always been great when you were ard.
Happy Belated Birthday Cecilia (20sept2005)
now, dun u dare deny the fact that u're a pink fanatic. u're bad is pink, ur watch is pink, ur clothes are a lot of pink. and amidst everything pink that u like like hello kitty to strawberry pocky, they're all cute jus like you. stay happy and cecilia always!!
so the five of us, sheryl, jiafang, cecilia, charlene and yours truly went to jurong point to celebrate cecilia's birthday after the much dreaded finacial paper.
we jus sat around and chilled. had lunch and all. during lunch we(sheryl, charlene and me) decided to sneak away to buy a cake for her. we gave the excuse that we were going to buy drinks. yah right.
so what do you get for someone who loves pink.

a pink strawberry cake of course!!!
well i dont seem to have a lot of fotos for this. i think my camera died on me on that day.
so later we went to the arcade cause we had nowhere else to go.

me and sheryl. its a bit dark though. and we're holding guns by the way.
this is cecilia's version.

the foto's a bit of a blur cause we asked her to give us a fierce angry expression and i was trembling in fear. hehe.
after that we went home. another nice day. wow, i'm jus having soo many nice days lately. i truly am blessed.
well i'll try to update somemore as soon as i can k. c'mon y'all spread this blog to ur fren and ur fren's fren. they'd love it too.
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