a lot of people have been wondering how come most of my friends are of the fairer sex. everytime i do up a pictorial update, most of the fotos will include a female, either in groups or individuals. if you have a misconception that i am a p.i.m.p. then thats just plain funny.
so why do i have so many female friends? well, thats because i came from the school of business with a ratio of 1guy: 4girls. furthermore in my class of 13 people, only 2 were guys, inclusive of me. so technically most of my friends are female.
also i feel that girls make better going out buddies that guys do. cause most guys dont really like to go out and shop. they rather sit at home and play some retarded computer game than be walking around orchard road. to add on, most guys make really boring shopping buddies. if you suggest shoping, the only places they'd think about are adidas and nike or probably some IT gadget store.
for the record, i am definitely no IT geek. in fact, i am almost IT incompetent. i only use my computer for 3 things, namely, blog, msn and reading up hollywood entertainment sites. in fact the most high tech thing i own would be my digicam. i still remember that time when i wanted to get this wire thingy that u attach to your house phone so that when somebody uses the fone, you wont get disconnected from internet. i went to the shops and sounded probably like a moronic bimbo to the sales personnel cause i had no clue how to explain what it was since i didnt know what it was called. in the end i left funan empty handed cause nobody understood wad i wanted to get and i got irritated having to explain what it was.
so you see public, i'm not a very IT person. and if you've noticed as well, i rarely wear anything sporty or anything that came from a sport shop . you see all these guys wearing jerseys and all those whatnots that adidas and nike creates. its like so common. totally lacking the individuality factor.
girls on the other hands, knows where the bargains are and knows what looks good on guys. and the best thing is they enjoy shopping. and it makes it more fun. girls are also more animated characters as compared to all those dull guys who try to maintain their cool factor. thats like so, whatever. thus, i find it more fun to go out with girls as compared to guys. but this doesnt apply to all guys of course. there are some friends of mine and i'm sure many guys out there who are not the clones of the stereotypical guy.
anyways, lets get back to normal entries. some time back, i met up with a friend of mine whom i shall adress as Miss Architect(ms a.). i got to know ms a. back in my poly days during my chinese classes. she was the first person in the class who initiated a conversation with me and we soon later became friends. found out also that ms a. lives jus a few blocks away from me. and to think i've never seen her before in my small tomato town. tsk tsk.

and so we decided to meet up to hang out in town. of course, it was fun. there was never a dull moment around. especially with yours truly around. muahaha!

thats it for this entry. might do another entry tmr if i find the time. till then, you guys take care.
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