how are you guys? i hope you are happy and well whereever you are and with whatever you're doing.
i can only hope likewise for myself.
well, there quite a number of fotos for this entry. as much as you will enjoy the fotos, dont forgot i enjoyed taking the fotos more!!!
i seriously think i should start a book titled 'Bimbotic Quotes From A Camwhore'.
*roll eyes*
time flies really fast aint it. it felt like only last week that i first step foot into bedok camp filled with so much dread and remorse and all possible negativity in the world after receiving my posting into the elite forces of the Guardsman.
that morning, on the cab from home to camp, reality finally sunk in. I'm going to be a guardman. images of dreaded torture floated in my mind like flies around a african kid.
it felt like i've gotten aids.
furthermore, being the only one from my bmt company there out of the unlucky 24 and not knowing anyone else made me feel ostracised. like a leper cast away onto an island awaiting my fate.
then they told me, we're going to brunei in one month's time. and i never guessed that brunei would be my final destination. the place where i'd be buried, eaten alive by wild animals or reptiles, fall off a clift or any other possible gruesome way of dying.
but guess wad,
i'm still here.
like i've said before, i am amaze at what i've never felt i am capable of but have finally achieve it.

and of course i couldnt have done it with the help and encouragement of my platoon 10 mates and commanders.
from 24 it became 21.
all 21 of us who never knew each other have bonded so close over just 1 mth and made it through together.
but then of course we couldnt have done it without the guidance of our commanders. having a sword of honour officer as our Platoon Commander, Ulysees company's ex-2IC as our Platoon Commander 2, best commander award recepient as our Platoon Sergeant, hero commander award recepient as our section commander and one of the most efficient admin specialist as our sergeant.
guided by the best, we became the best.
and now, after we've bonded, its time to separate into the different company lines.
i'm gonna miss all the memorable times we had.

and last week to comemorate our last day together, we had a lunch together at Vila'ge at Heerens. the place used to be Marche and nothing much has changed except for the signboard.
yesterday, met up with sharif as we decided to catch up over lunch. i was having a wasabe craving and so we headed to sakae suntec.
i love japanese food!!!
walked around marina later on as i wanted to check out the Creative store. have been having my eye set on this creative zen neoon 2. gorgeous little black mp4. christmas ornaments were already up and so wad else could we do but snap some pics.

walked around for little bit and decided to have cakes and coffee at Secret Recipe. i've heard quite abit about their famous cheesecakes and how great the place is.
so i had the vanilla latte with the classic cheesecake. while sharif had the chocolate banana cake with green apple juice. after ranking the food and the service, my verdict for Secret Recipe Marina Square is ....

nobody sat us to our seats. the menus had to be asked for. ambience wasnt great. service was without a smile. the cakes tasted blah and un-rich, a letdown especially for a cafe that raked in numerous awards. my latte was beyond bitter. the whole experience was just a letdown.
anyways, proceeded to gramaphone later on. was initially looking for a Cd by Dixie Chicks but in the end bought Fergie's The Dutchess and Rihanna's A Girl Like Me album instead cause the Dixie Chicks CD i want wasnt there.
i've been addicted to this song called Fergalicious by Fergie. its like soooooooooo catchy!!!!!!!

met some GV frens later along the way and said hi and took some fotos.

decided to meet up with my tekong sectionmates later on for dinner at nydc.

it was really nice to catch up and then we had desserts at cafe cartel till late.
need to go off already. bye bye!!!
till next time,