guess where i went again?

oh my god, i cant believe how smart you guys are getting.
so me and the girls met up for dinner at vivocity. while waiting for sheryl's arrival, i ran wild in candy empire and bought myself almost $20 worth of candy.
when i was browsing through the candy section, i heard this father telling his daughter,
"girl, these are candies, they make your teeth rot"
omigosh!! what is this dad doing? he is robbing his child out of one of the joys of childhood. didnt he watch charlie and the chocolate factory? when willy wonka was young, his father didnt allow him to eat any chocolate or candy in fear of cavities. see what he's grown up to be?
a freak!
you dont want that happening to your daughter dont you?
sheryl came(physically not erotically) and all 4 of us went trigger happy with my olympus.

then we went to have dinner at Thai Express where i had these yummy Thai fried noodle that tasted rather sweet. the aircon there was like beyond cold and i know why. 75% of the food there is like fiery chilli padi hot hot so the aircon is there to act like the 'yin' to counter the 'yang' of the super spicy food. so the yin and yang counter off each other to create a harmony and balance.
ming bai ma?
i think me and zhang ziyi or ziyi zhang as she prefers to be called now, shares smthing in common.
i speak terrible chinese and she speaks terrible english!
''the soup is too salty!'' is the only thing she knows how to say in english.
and i only know '' ni de nenepok hen da, wo yao ni gen cuo ai ke yi ma?''
//translation : what a lovely day, care for some flowers?''

there was this nice wading pool at the top of vivo and if only i were in slippers or sandals, i'd be running ard happily in the water. but sadly i was in shoes, so mahfan. u have to untie shoelace, take out socks, put one side where wont get wet then can go in water. after being in the water for a while, must wait for feet to dry, find a place to sit down to put on shoe, put on socks, put on shoe, tie shoelace.
wah peh! so bloody tedious!
the girls who were in slippers did went in and wiggled their toes in the stagnant water contaminated with everyone's dirty, smelly, fungal infected feet.
seeing the pool of water reminded me of brunei. whenever we pass by a stream, we'd stop to refill our bottle with stream water then we'd add this tablet that kills bacteria. then the water starts to taste like swimming pool water, not salty because everyone pees in the water taste, but that chlorine taste. urgh. i found out that the water taste nicer without the anti bacteria tablet. lol. heheX. and you know what, it was naturally cold. yay!
ppl added the anti bacterial tablet to their water, me?, i added a packet of peach tea mix! yummilicious!
oh yah, i wouldnt be giving away much about my trip to brunei with national safari due to confidentiality issues. so if you'd like to know more, and trust me, there's a whole lot of ineteresting shit, then feel free to chat me up on msn.
in case, u dont have my msn or wadever, the email add is available on my sidebar on the right column under the heading Contact Me. you can add me in friendster too!!
a little smthing on brunei. it was the first time i got to ride on a helicopter. usually i watch Apprentice and see donald trump leaving on a heli and it looks really cool!!! and so i was bloody esctatic when i founf out that we'll be heli inserted to our next location. like damn cool w0Rz!!
so we waited like 3hours for the heli. upon arrival we rushed in cause the propellor was really strong. i managed a window seat. YAY!! sure got nice view!!!
cheebye. all i saw were trees. the whole thing felt like a bus ride with a view of trees. trees here, trees there, trees everywhere. sian bo lao sai. after like 2 minutes i got soooooo bored. there werent any inflight entertainment either.

maddie and some other peeps has asked me to compile a list of what i want for my birthday. belated birthday that is. but not to worry, i do accept belated birthday presents.
it sucks to celebrate ur birthday on the second day upon arrival brunei.
so here goes:
1) The Golden Girls vcd collection available at Gramaphone. if you guys havent watch this comedy sitcom, you simply must. its humour at its best. the show is flooded with intellectual humour, sarcasm and wit. my kind of comedy.

2) Jewel's Pieces of You album or any Dixie Chicks album. for CDs please pass them to me before end of november, if not, i'll just go and buy them myself.

3) any bodyshop products.
4) any shirt from Zara or Guess in size M. Ralph Lauren Polos would be much appreciated as well.
5) any cardigans in size S. those from Topman or Garcon are quite nice.
6) board shorts in size 32.
7) 2007 anual planner. those 1 week to 2pages kind. i dont like those 1 day to 1 page. i dont really have THAT much to write.
8) a bright green color mouse. the one for computers not those rodents.
9) sims 2 pc game.
10) decorative items i can put on my computer table.
Things to avoid:
1) i HATE soft toys.
2) never get me photo frames. i'll just give them to other people during christmas.
3) dont treat me solely to food. it only means u couldnt be bothered to make an effort to pick a present.
4) sportswear. as most of you know, the only sport i do is golf, online.
5) fragrance or scents. i'm extremely picky when it comes to parfums.
that should be a good enough list right? any further clarifications will be entertained. contact me through my message board, email, msn, or friendster.
okay. its like 2am now. sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep time.
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