hello public
its that time again!! where i answer one of those questionnaires from friendster. yes, i know, i still use friendster. its like so last year right. but whatever. i like it.
since i'm never gonna be interviewed by any print media or television programme, this questionnaire is the closest thing i can get to achieve one of my dreams.
yes, i know i'm shallow.
people dream to end world hunger and find a cure for cancer. well, mine is much more simpler. i just wanna be popular.
like seriously, oh my god.
for now lets just imagine and play along that probably ugly betty is interviewing me for Mode. *rofl*
1. Where is your dad right now?
* in the living room watching television. some stupid soccer program. i hate it when he watches soccer. cause it means he's in total control of the remote.
2. Last time you missed someone?
* today. but i msged him and he replied. weee!
3. Name five things you did today.
* watched Mr Bean movie, ate at an indonesian restaurant for lunch, shopped, bought cakes home from Rive Gauche, provided expert advice in event planning to a friend in need. i'm really good with event planning by the way. just in case anybody wanna hire an event planner. *winks*
4. what color is your watch?
* its either a metallic silver casio or a black donnakaran. to me wearing a watch is necessary cause i'm someone who likes to know the time. i'm starting to learn to live without wearing a watch though.
5. what kind of phone do you have?
* i love my motorola v3. it fits perfectly into my skinny jeans without the embarrassing bulge.
7. Where does your best friend work?
* my best friend doesnt work. he lazes ard at home.
8. What are you listening to right now?
* right now its the Dreamgirls soundtrack. i'm in love with it right now. i heart the movie.
9. What do you smell like?
* right now? a papaya. cause i just used my papaya shower gel from body shop.
10. what color are your eyes?
* black. but then when i'm having my blonde moments, its blue.
11. Have you ever done a fire drill?
* yeah. quite a few time in the national safari. i would love though if the place actually caught fire. muhahaha.
12. What color is your bedroom floor?
* multiple shades of brown. darling, its parquet.
13. Do you have a chair in your room?
* yes. i might like sushi but that doesnt mean i enjoy the japanese concept of living.
14. What are you doing tomorrow?
* shopping in bugis with the ever beautiful sheryl. cough.
15. Do you know anyone who is engaged?
* yeah. i know this guy from my camp who's already engaged. oh lord. thats just waaaaaaaaay too young. can you imagine being a grandfather at 45?
16. What's your favorite number?
* single digit odd numbers. i like odd numbers but i donno why. haha.
17. Do you know someone named Betsy?
* not at all. i donno why but the name betsy reminds me of a girl milking a cow. wtf?!
18. What color is your mom's hair?
* shades of brown.
19. Do you have a pet? Name?
* i've been wanting to get a goldfish and name it elizabeth since forever. but i never can find the time to take care of it. maybe i should get a stingray instead. cause when it dies, i can barbeque it and put sambal on top.
20. Do you remember singing any songs
as a kid?
* i was a barney freak. i memorised everything like a stalker.
21. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
* i dont like talking about my personal life. i prefer keeping it private. but i would like to have both. just in case you're wondering.
22. When was the last time you talked
to one of your siblings?
* i never had the chance.
23. Did you ever go to camp as a kid?
* i hated camp. i wasnt the sociable sort and camp was all about mixing around. and i just hated to get down and dirty. but boy, has everything changed now.
24. Do you play an instrument?
* i can play the recorder really well. i'm trying to pick up guitar though. but my fingers are just too retarded.
25. Do you like fire?
* yes. especially if it burn down my camp.
26. Are you allergic to anything?
* bad manners. i cant stand people who have bad manners. it might just be a stereotype but i feel that such people come from a low class family that inculcate pathetic beliefs and behaviours.
28. Best friend?
* yeah, britney is fine.
29. Hve you ever been to a spa?
* yeah a few times overseas for massages. i've never done one in singapore though.
30. Did you take science all five years
of high school?
* secondary sch was only 4 years and yes all 4 yrs i did sciences.
31. Do you like butterflies?
* yeah but its not like i have an infatuation for it. do they bite?
32. Do you miss someone right now?
* haha. of course. i've got so many eye candies and crushes you know.
33. Do you think he/she miss you too?
* i can dream so. =P
34. Have you ever seen your school
* nah. underneath this blonde exterior, i'm actually quite sane. most of the time that is.
35. Have you ever wanted to be a
* oh yes and i still do. i love young boys in uniform!!!
36. What is one thing you've learned
about life?
* that you never get what you want but always get what you need.
37. Do you like tacos?
* erm. they're alright.
38. Is anyone jealous of you?
* of course. but i cant help being gorgeous 24seven.
40. What does your mom call you?
* sayang. LOL.
41.What do your friends call you?
* ali. i did ask them to refrain from calling me gorgeous or handsome.
42. What does your hair look like right
* wierd. cause i never style it. it looks like hay.
43. Has a friend ever used you?
* nope. but i hope someone uses me as tool for their lust release.
44. Has anyone told you that they like
you more than a friend?
* yes. but i dont mix sex with friendship. unless of course you're fiona xie. then sex anytime is fine.
45. What have you eaten today?
* alot of stuff that will just turn to shit which i'll flush down tmr.
46. Is your hair naturally curly or
* straight unlike the owner. *wink*
48. Who was the last person you had a ride from?
* i'd love to say orlando bloom. but i can always settle with beckham.
49. What are you looking forward to?
* next week when i rock zouk's podium. LOL. yes boys, hold on to your horses.
50. How are you today?
* great.
well then.
the interviews over.
i'd like to thank my manager, me, for getting me this interview.
i'd like to thank my make up artiste, me, for making me look gorgeous for the photoshoot.
i'd like to thank my hairstylist, me, for always making sure i dont have a bad hair day.
i'd like to thank my fans, me me me, for your continuous support. you know i love you too!
go on, get your copy now.

ps: Mode is not a gay porn magazine.