here it comes again, yet another weekend. my national safari life is still the same old fucked up shit. but this time something's got me thinking.
what is your definition of a leader? to me it means someone who can lead a bunch of people to an objective.
now whats the difference between a good leader and a leader. well, a good leader motivates people and gets the job done. he should make people do something because they want to do it and not because they have to. a good leader inspires.
so far, i've yet to meet any good leaders in my national safari adventures. in fact, i've met many people in leadership positions mainly using their authoritative powers to get the job done. so pathetic indeed.
in fact, there have been so many people , leaders or non leaders, that i have look down upon throughout my national safari adventure, especially in my current camp.
its a fact and i wont deny it, i judge people. not by looks, instead by behaviours. it amazes me how many people i've met that behaves worse off as to an animal.
but of course, as much displeasure as i can contain, i try my very best to keep it hidden.
because my parents raise me well.
gloomy sounding post there. i just need to vent out a little dribble of frustration that has been pent up for a while.
have u guys heard the news, by 1st july, all clubs, as in clubbing clubs not community clubs, will be smoke free. i donno about you but i sure think its gonna be weird. to me, the smoke works for me in a way that it gently( or in some clubs, strongly) mask the other unpleasant smells.
like wad could be more unpleasant as compared to ciggies smoke. well, for one, people who've yet to discover deodorants and dare have to audacity to wave their hands in the air.
to me, it could either smell like two things, sweaty bodies mixes with floating scents of alcohol. or toilet air freshner.
i'll tell you what it feels like the next time we go clubbing alright.
well for now, i managed to slot in a clubbing session at my favouritest haunt, Zouk, few days before they implement the no smoke rule. i know how so many people love grooving to the r&b and hip hop tunes of Phuture but deep inside, i secretly am a House geek.
Zouk makes me happy. and of course jiggling with maddie and the gang, made me happier. and seeing sheryl after so long with her gorgeous new hairstyle made me even happier.
but you know what made me the happiest?
holding diane's hand. >.<
photos for the night.

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