hows life for everybody? i hope everyone's having a good time and enjoying the simple pleasures of life everyday. well in my case, life only begins on a friday night and ends on a sunday evening. the rest of the week, i'm on auto-pilot mode.
11more months to just stone through! cmon ali!!
sorry for the lack of update on the previous week. i was down with the flu and boy did i look like rudolph the red nose reindeer. but bless the lord for panadol cold!!! took 2 tablets and downed 3litres of water (not at one go of course) and slept for 16hours and voila, i was back to normal!!
i cant believe that i actually slept for 16 hours. lately my weekends have been only like 5-6 hours of sleep a day. the rest of the time i'm either out or on my computer.

well anyways, a couple of weeks back before i suffered the leaky nose syndrome, i was cordially invited to celebrate the 21st birthday of Ms 'I LOVE DORAEMON TO DEATH' Huiming. supposedly to be bbq at west coast but venue was relocated on the eleventh hour due to terrible weather conditions.
met up with angela beforehand to scour the malls of city hall for a present for the birthday girl. in the end we settled for a 100G external hard disk drive that she has hinted on wanting. then rushed our way to suntec city's toy'r'us for me to get a present for yasi's birthday which was like the next day.

after all that shopping and horrendous wrapping, made our way to queenstown mrt station to meet up with maddie and kwangyong(who's suddenly reappeared after being in hiding for 1yr) and shared a cab to the condo's function hall. yasi came later.

the food was really good and it was nice to catch up with the rest of the mates. unfortunately, it started to rain heavily again and before it got any heavier we decided to make a move since it was getting way past my army bedtime.
alright, thats all i can blog bout this week. till next time!
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