i definitely need to stock up on some winter wear. have u seen the amount of rain that's been pouring lately, its like so MAJOR!
and its like so frustrating to decide on what to wear when you're going out. you know like yesterday i spent 30minutes in front of my closets, naked cause i simply couldnt decide on wad to wear.
i mean, it was raining and its cold. so if i wear jeans, my jeans might get wet. but if i wear berms, then half of my legs will be cold in the air con malls.
then i was thinking of wearing a v-neck pullover but then what if it stops raining later and i feel warm. but if was to wear a shirt inside my pullover, and take the pullover off when its warm, where do i put the pullover? in my bag? but i dont feel like bringing a bag. nor do i feel like holding the pullover in my hand.
then if i wear a normal shirt, wad if its cold?
so should i wear a cap since its raining? but first i have to choose wad to wear so my cap can match?
then do i wear slippers, sandals or shoes? slippers like too slack looking. if i wear shoes, then it'll be damn uncomfortable when its wet. but sandals might not look nice with the entire ensemble?
then which watch will match with the ensemble?
any other acessories?
and you know when i decide on what type of clothes to wear, then comes in what color to wear and whether this top's color matches or does it make me look fat?
this is why in poly i always plan what to wear the night before.
anyways, such lovely weather only begs me to cuddle up under my Aussino 400-threadcount duvet while watching old episodes of Friends on my computer. but i musnt forget the bunch of people who'll whine and complain if they were to click my blog and see a stale entry.

so this entry is gonna be about my virgin trip to DXO.
you know i've heard so much about DXO being a club filled with Mats and Minahs and dragon tattooed gangsters. and i wonder how come such a club located next to a world class arts location can be so low class and filled with scums of singapore.

but then i heard after all the fights and stuff they decided to tighten their measures and make it a better club. or so they wish to believe.
so when some campmates decided to create one of those 'once-in-a-blue-moon' clubbing outing at of all places DXO, a little tingle of interest did arouse.
entry was damn cheap la and got 2 drink coupons also. BUT...

-the music sucked BIG TIME. i'm a House fan and the only thing close to House was the bar upstairs playing something like from Lush 99.5fm. and the music was like so random. the dancefloor was like so empty. i could herd an entire farm of sheep and there'll still be space.

-the top floor was a waste of prime retail space. it was just filled with sofas, i could have finished an entire project with brainstorming and presentation included at the top floor. it was that conducive. it looked more like the perfect place to play board games with friends.

-there were so many malay people i felt like it was hari raya. just that everyone was scantilly dressed and that the main drinks were not from F&N bottles.

-the DJ sucked. i hate it when its a nice song and the dj CUT the song to say stuff like,''cmon!! can we clap for these ladies on stage''. fuck la. DONT CUT MY SONG!
-it was so hot and stuffy. i sweated more just standing at the dancefloor than running a marathon. and what is it with people and lacking courtesy to use a deordarant!!!

it was seriously fucking bored by 1am. and i only entered at 11.30. couldnt take it anymore. went outside to eat.

i'd rather rearrange my CD collection in alphabetical order. it would have been waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better.


alright thats all this week. i'm gonna go cuddle up in my bed. ALONE.
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