i know daahlings, its been like eons since i last updated this blog with something worthy of your precious 10minutes. but the luxury of offs and leaves during my ever taxing while in the national safari only begs me to lull till oblivion.
these 2 weeks of pure liberation from conformity only leads to my hedonism. as such, days are either spent frolicking with friends or just simply in torpidity.
do pardon my use of grandiose phrases as it has been so blardy long since i've used my brain and i just need a little stretching of my vocabulary.
well, i've decided to put off or presumably take a little break from my constant blogging to enjoy my holiday away from work, which in fact, this blogging thingy is starting to feel just a bit like work, just that i'm not getting paid. so here i am back to post of the few random pictures hanging around in my "to blog" folder.
firstly there was my little walkabout in town with my tekongmate wilson. as usual, as most of you who shop with me knows, i highly scrutinize every single thing i buy. i'll go into a shop, complain of the lack thereof of merchandise to purchase. then go into another shop, see something nice, try it on, and whine about the color, the cutting, the design and how it makes me look o b e s e and then pass it back to the sales staff and continue whining about having nothing to buy and that everything looks horrid while proceeding on to the next store.
yep, and you know what, i'd always end up instead at an eating place packing on those pounds that i minutes ago was complaining about. and this time was no different. me and wilson ended up most of our time in Vi'lage at heerens.

wilson was fiddling with my phone and found out i had this sephia function on my camera. i know, i'm like such a technology dummy. anyways, so exciting! i took like a lot of shots but i'll reduce it to one so you dont feel a stronger sensation to puke.

i'm a cowboy! YEE HA!
then there was this other time where i told my good friend sharif, lets be courageous. lets brave through the humidity, the young ah bengs and ah lians and the mats and minahs and try to find the jem amongst the rubbish of a place i call Bugis Village.

just looking at the place makes me sweaty.

guess what happened again since i couldnt find anything to buy?
lets eat.
since i was craving japanese, we decided to pop by sakae sushi.
once again, all i got out of from this place was just sweat. which i hope contributed to a significant calorie loss. i can only hope. but then i spoil it all with sushi. but sushi is healthy right?uhmm.
and then another time, i decided to just say fuck it to shopping. this time around lets try something different. and since the movie Hairspray was recently released and this cajoled my undying love for musicals and zac efron (lets ignore this little passing phase of mine), i decided to catch the movie with my neighbour fara.

i know i have this tendency to have that 'act cute' face. but i swear to god, i wasnt even acting. i DO look that 'act cute' in real life. LOL!!!!!!!!!!! >.<"'
well then, lets call it a day for now, i still have a couple hundred more photos in my ''to blog'' folder but then lets just save it for another time.
till then, take care and remember, alijoelovesyouifloveshimtoo!!
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