usually towards the end of the year, i'm plague with the amount of birthday celebrations. i have no idea why but most of my friends seemed to have been born during the second half of the year.
a possible reason why could be that parents prefer to have sex during the festive season. if you subtract 9 months from most of my friends birthdays, this meant that they were most probably consummated during the months of november till february. especially with these months being sprinkled with main festivities like hari raya, deepavali, christmas, new year, chinese new year and the romantic valentines day, couples are in a happier mood and this translates into getting some nookie.
ok, this is like so random.
anyways, with most of my friends being 21 this year, a bigger scale celebration was a more popular choice. but to me you dont need a huge ass party at club with free flow of moet and chandon for a fantastic celebration. all you need is a small group of your best friends just chatting the night away over dinner while sipping cosmopolitans and lychee martinis.
one of my favouritest girls on the planet, cecilia is also one of the many people who celebrates her birthday in the later part of the year. it was however especially hard to get everyone to settle on a date and time cause we're either busy with work, having exams or finding an immense difficulty to take an off from camp.

so i met jiafang right after her work to get the presents for cecilia. we finally found one of the only 2 florist in the entire huge ass town to create a bouquet of roses. we finally decided on getting her a 21 roses bouquet. and we got it in 3 different colors. red to signify love, pink cause its her favourite color(although she might strongly deny this) and one full bloom cream rose to signify her being special and blooming into adulthood. and of course 21 roses because its her 21 birthday.

we celebrated it at a place called Giraffe, a restaurant located at the Istana Park.

with our cosmopolitans while waiting for sheryl.

finally all set with the ultra yummy cake from bakerzin.

jiafang insisted we celebrate mid autumn festival as well, so we got a mooncake from Conrad.

group pics for the night.

sheryl, jiafang and me with the star of the night.

you dont need a big celebration to have the best birthday. all you need is to be surrounded by your the best company and everything will be fantastic.
till my next entry.
ps: sorry, the pics are rather small in this entry. i cant seem to upload fotos thru blogger and so i use photobucket instead which provides me with this retardedly minute fotos.
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