hello public
yet another entry from the land of smiles. though internet access is readily available in this camp, its lethargic speed refrains me from regular blogging. not even a video of britney's new single could tempt me to wait more than 30 minutes. but beggars can tbe choosers. i'm thankful enough for internet access in what seems to be a relatively rural region.
hows life been you might ask?
well, its isnt that bad considering that i'm not the main body of the training troops. so what i do is just A LOT of preparation materials, around 10days of experiencing how the terrain of the jungle in thailand is. and the rest of the time i either spend it in the canteen slurping tom yam and gulping down ice blends, or playing with my ds in bunk.
seriously, if it wasnt for my creative zen and nintendo ds, i would have just died of boredom. i love technology!!
well, three more days and i'll be back in singapore. the entire journey here has been an extremely memorable one. not like i wanna do it again but its just something you have to do once to know how it feels like.
its not like everyday u get to climb a 70degrees steep mountain made of mostly loose rocks and thorny plants. nor issit everyday where at 4am you shiver from the 12degree celcius climate while concealing yourself in scorpion infested bushes littered with cow dung praying to god that you dont die from a poisonous snake bite.
stuff like these makes me appreciate singapore.
just a little bit more only.
i'm ready to come home.
great singapore sale, christmas sale, end of season sale, pre new year sale, HERE I COME!!!!!!!!!
till then, take care.
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