you know how my updates are usually on sundays, and if you didnt most probably you've either been living under a rock or you could have just chanced upon this fantastic blog that will change your life. point to note, i welcome converts with open arms.
and if it probably crossed your mind why is it that i dont blog often enough. well, during the weekdays, i'm chained to the SAF to do menial slavery work. but all this will change soon enough, in exactly 3 weeks, like Mariah Carey's latest single, i will say Bye Bye to the dowdy camo prints and my khaki beret.
the only thing preventing me from screaming for joy right now would be the risk of having the neighbours calling the police regarding a possible rape case. i kinda have this tendency to scream like my balls were clasps together by an F clamp.
so this entry seems a little bit prematurely ejaculated, 2 days in advance that is. i'd be making a little overseas trip for a family gathering over this long weekend (thank you vesak), thus the reason for an earlier entry.
well this entry is a little bit outdated as it took me quite a while to receive the fotos.
you know how it feels like, if you have an off day and you spend all of it just slacking at home doing nothing. it kinda feels to me like i wasted my day. i'm not suggesting going outside and plant trees to save the environment if a situation like this happen. i'm already contributing my part by spitting out the watermelon seeds out my kitchen window (hopefully one day a watermelon tree will grow nice and tall). so wad i did was i call up a friend and suggest a hang out session.
and i met up with...

over lunch at long john where i just sat there and absorbed all the cholesterols through my pores.

but then draceana had to leave cause her lunch break was over and she had to get back to work. bummer. wished she was there longer.
anyways, so me and danny decided to head to The Cathay, not for a movie but just to look around. its been a few months back since i last visited the place and then, it was all still empty.
well guess wad?
it still is.
now, the whole building is mostly filled with pretentious shops conveying enticing facades but filled ironically with emptiness. in simple english, it means that the shops look nice but there's nothing much to buy actually. i assimilate The Cathay to a bimbo. statuesquely pretty but that's all to it. merely pretty.
so we got tired and decided to settle for a drink at some random taiwanese cafe at the basement.

i had the milk tea and it was one of the best iced milk tea i've tasted. it was so yummy i wanted another one but i guess my jeans has been listening to Duffy and it started singing 'I'm begging you for mercy..." just as i was contemplating a second cup.
but nevertheless, i would have loved a really large cup of iced milk tea so that i needn't keep buying another cup. how large of a cup of milk tea i hear you question?
well, this large....

and danny would like one iced peach tea in the same size cup too.

as we walked around some more later, a slogan t shirt caught my eye.

considered getting it, but my inner voice was flashing the words "TOO TACKY" in neon in my head.
danny suggested dinner at coffee bean as from his previous experience he found the food rather nice. honestly, the only thing i ate from coffee bean was a muffin. i didnt even know they had a dinner menu.
so i had the mushroom chicken cream spaghetti and it was suprisingly quite good for a cafe mainly focusing on coffee.

sat and chatted over dinner while danny's friend, casey, joined us for cake. it was getting way past my bedtime, so i decided to head home for a tete a tete with my bed. =)
well, i guess thats it for this week's entry. gotta go pack my suntan lotion and my red speedos into my Ralph Lauren weekenders bag.
till next time, i love ya.
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