in last week's entry i did mention how i feel i'm getting old abit too fast. mentally i mean. but according to a friend of mine, its not i'm growing old too fast but i'm just becoming BOOORING.
probably its true. i actually turned down 2 invites this week for clubbing. and what do i do instead? i sat at starbucks and read a book.
seriously!! O M G !
i'm like only 21 and my idea of fun is hitting Borders.
i NEED help!! will somebody please tell me what a 21yr old should do for fun?

well this week, i met up with andrew, my bmt friend and we decided to hit town. i've been keeping my eyes open for wallets as i'm getting bored with mine. and the thing about me and wallets is that i really hate those boring black leather wallets. arent they the most dullest shit ever.
my current wallet is something i got from paragon and its 'blood orange' in color. and i found the perfect one to replace it. a white one from Prada. but the thing is, i'm not the type that meticulously maintain my stuff, so i think i'm gonna cry if it gets dirty.

i wanted a wallet and andrew wanted a watch. so we walked from one end of orchard to the other end and in the end, we bought books at Borders instead. how random.
there's something i enjoy doing when i got nothing to do. those stupid questions that people like to post in Friendster's bulletin board.
1. Spell your name as it sounds!
** Ah Lee
2. Are you available?
** yes, but only during office hours.

3. What's your favorite number?
** 6 because it sounds like sex.
4. Favorite color/s?
** i do not discriminate against races.
5. Least favorite color?
** i'm not racist. the rainbow wouldnt be beautiful without all the different colors side by side.

6. What music are you listening to?
** currently, anything by jason castro melts me.
7. Did you ever want to be a fire fighter?
** that department do sometimes ask my help to hose down all those raging hot fires. ;)
8. Do you believe in God?
** yes, when i'm awaiting my exam results.
9. Have you ever been to Canada?
** nope but did u know their pizza's are buy one get one free. 62410241.
10. How much money do you have on you
** i still have the $80 i collected in my thong from yesterday's night performance. the crowd went wild when i did the spin ard the pole.
11. How many cars have you owned?
** none. i ride on a magic schoolbus.
12. How tall are you?
** 1.75m. 3 times taller than a mickey mouse.
13. Last thing you yelled out loud?
** spank me big boy.

14. Last person you were in a car with?
** i dont really keep track of the taxi driver's names.
15. Last time you ate at McDonalds?
** i had a mc flurry yesterday.
16. Last thing you had for dinner?
** lemon drop.
17. The last thing you bought?
** goreng pisang for breakfast.
18. Last person you saw?
** apart from my parents, some random ah pek i took the lift with.
19. Last time you cried?
** few months back when i found out that my mentor, jenna jamerson, wont be producing anymore films.

20. Last time you laughed?
** yesterday, when i peeped at the guy next to me at the urinal.
21. What is the temperature outside?
** i donno, but nothing could be hotter than me.
22. What time did you wake up?
** 11am.
23. Do you have a best friend?
** yes. fann wong.
24. What goes best with a soft drink?
** my mouth, to sip the soft drink.
25. Is your birthday coming up?
** it falls on deepavali this yr. prepare yourself for an indian theme party.
26. Where were you at 3:02 AM this morning?
** physically on my bed but mentally in new zealand.
27. Do you love someone?
** yes. fione xie, can you hear me?
28. What are your plans for this week?
** to save all the endangered species of wildlife in the tropical rainforest.

29. Coke or Pepsi?
** snort coke and drink pepsi.
30. What do you dislike at the moment?
** skinny people. cause they make me look fat. i mean full figured.
31. What did you dream about last
** an orgy.
32. Whats the last TV show you watched?
** the latest season of Gossip Girl.
33. What is your favorite piece of jewelry?
** the tiara i won during Ms Universe 1982.
34. Name 1 person on your Top Friends who is the most like you.
** most of my friends are bottoms.
35. Are you on any medication?
** not to sure what the medicine these people from IMH are injecting me with daily is called.
36. Have you ever cut your own hair?
** i shave my face everyday.
37. What is your favorite frozen treat?
** ben&jerrys.

38. How many piercings/tattoos do you have?
** as of now, none.
39. Where are your favorite places to be?
** obviously not bedok camp.
40. Is there someone you miss?
** yes, Mr Pink IC.
41. what are you listening to now?
** mariah carey's latest album, E=MC2
42. Do you care what people think about you?
** in a way, yes. impressions matter.
43. Last person to tell you they love you?
** Barney. this morning on tv.
44. Last person to make you cry?
** jenna jamerson when she announced her retirement.
45. What did you do today?
** an excruciatingly long questionnaire that doesnt seem to end.

46. Do you have a crush?
** yes. fiona xie, can you hear me?
47. Do you like ketchup?
** yes, i like to ketchup (catch up) with friends. get it? ha ha.
48. Will you be in a relationship 3 months from now?
** this is one ship that i do not eagerly wish to board right now.
49. what color is your pillow case?
** grey with white lines.
50. Do you wear a swimsuit/trunks during swimming in school?
** firstly, my school does not have a pool. and secondly, my voices goes 2 pitch higher when i wear my swimming trunks.
51. Have you ever been to California or Chicago?
** nope. but i have been to LA. Lorong Ahsoo.
52. What is your favorite fruit?
** apple iphone.
53. What do you want to do today?
** probably finish this questionnaire by midnight.

54. Are you cold?
** nope. my nipples arent perky yet.
55. What is your cellphone no.?
** that's not a good pick up line.
alright, thats it for this weeks entry. i like to thank all those people who visit my blog. the singaporeans, malaysians, americans, turkey people and vietnam people. heck i didnt even know vietnam had computers in the first place.
but trust me, i love you and appreciate you. my blog readers rock my world.
till then, take care.

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