its been one hell of a busy week. working on monday, tuesday, had terrible stomach cramps on wednesday, suppose to work on thursday but had to get an mc cause the stomach pain got more unbearable. its like those pain that comes and go. its like fucking annoying. the doctor diagnose me with mild food poisoning. friday was my last day of work. its was a nice last day but i'll blog about that another time.
anyways, a few days ago, i met up with barney and we scoured my used-to-be favourite hang out, city hall. i'm starting to find the place a tad boring nowadays.
one of my favourite hangout last time used to be at the old marina square. that place was like kinda quiet and not much people. there also used to be this really cool deserted arcade somewhere at the back where i can while hours away para para-ing. haha. i miss that place alot.
anyways, now, marina square has went through a mega revamp with big name stores like masimo duti, zara and lacoste.the place has gone bigger. but somehow, its no longer as fun as it used to be.

even with the gloss and glitter, i found it totally boring. there are however some nice food outlets and one of such has got to be the sakae sushi there. i simply j'adore that sakae outlet. its looks nicer and somehow the sushi taste better. most of my frens would probably notice that i always have craving for sushi. i love sushi but that doesnt mean i like the raw stuff. for one, i hate salmon sashimi. i do love of course tempuras and have a tender spot for handrolls which i think i kinda had 6 at this particular time.

the food was undoubtedly yummy and obviously i'll be back but sad to say nothing else in marina square tantalized me. it was all jus a blah. and so what do i do when i get bored.
as usual of course.
(damnit, i donno why but i've been trying for the past 2 days to upload more pics but i cant. suckanenepok!)
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