happy new year! i hope 2006 has been a good for you and wish that 2007 will be a better one.
i've got quite a few foto updates to do for this entry. but firstly, i need to ponder smthing that's been floating in my mind lately. do u guys actually enjoy my photo entries? i somehow am starting to find my blog becoming a tad boring. maybe that's because when i read, its all about myself. but hey, i dont find myself boring at all.
but whatever it is, i'll just try my best to make my blog the best blog in ang mo kio. hahahahaha. well i have to start small first right?
and i doubt there's much blogging happening in amk. amk is an old town filled so many old folks. aunties and uncles. and i dont think they got anything to blog about do they. well, probably they'd be blogging about were to get the cheapest Dynamo or which market sells fresher fish.
dont get me wrong, i love ang mo kio with its full vibrancy and color. just that day i saw four aunties in a heated verbal argument or so i thought. set in the corner or NTUC, you could hear them 100metres away. so i moved closer as my inner kaypoh-ness, a singaporean trait, took stride. it was obvious who those pundits making the racket were. with hands in exagerated motions flailing in the air, these pear shaped ladies dressed in dawdy lycra-ish tops with similar tight red perms were hogging over a trolley of hand towels.
but if you take a minute to actually listen to them, which isnt quite easy considering the commotion, they were actually in a friendly discussion over the cheap price of the $1.90 hand towels. one of them even mention in a loud confident voice that she's gonna get 3 of the blue colored hand towels as they matched her kitchen cabinets.
*roll eyes*
see, this is what i'm talking about when i mention the vibrancy of ang mo kio. it joyous. really.
enough about my lovely hometown and more about me.
my grandparents came to stayover for a week and this means that they'd be taking over my room. which means that very minimal time for me to use the computer. but then i love having them stayover cause there'll be food galore and i'd have more people to talk to. how i wished we had an extra room for them so i can have my room back. maybe i should start clearing out the store room. just in case.

the first day they came i was amidst prepping up to meet maddie & frens to go to zouk later. then my grandmama came to me asking why i was looking and smelling so nice. i told her i was going out to meet my frens. then she assumed i was meeting my girlfriend. so she told me to bring my girlfriend home. LOL!!!
why must i have a girlfriend? i want a boyfriend lei. cannot ar?!
well, of course i didnt say that last sentence unless you want me to shock her out of her dentures.
well i tell you, i had a family gathering yesterday and everyone was speculating i had a girlfriend. and since my cousin who recently married is now pregnant, everyone's asking me when's my turn. not gettting pregnant dummies, getting married.
well, i might consider getting married if fiona xie were to dangle her voluptous carrot infront of me.
so i met up with maddie and she drove me, jess and eve to zouk. its been ages since i last clubbed. and its been centuries since i've been to mambo night especially with it being a weekday and me being stuck in camp every single weekday. let me tell you smthing, i love mambo. i think i've go a retro disco streak in me cause its such a danceable and happy tune to dance to. unlike trance, where i just stone one corner.
well, the night ended off great. clubbing ended around 4am and boy were my feet and thighs sore like i just ended a whole night on an igallop. we went for a ice milo somewhere nearby after that and that was it for the night. the next thing i knew i was awake at 2pm.

had a meetup with the tekong mates a couple of days later. there's like 12 other people in my section and only 3 excluding me turned up that night. we dined at marche and lets make a wild guess what i had?
yup, steak again. lol. i'm like so predictable right. anyway, i wanna say a big thankyouverymuch to werdna for the unexpected marche treat. you rock my world. we walked around later cause werdna was contemplating between getting a psp or my creative zen. but in the end, he got those calculator-looking phones from sony erricson instead since he needed a new phone. i quite like the touch screen features. i wouldnt say that its one of the best looking phones around but the fucntions were really fantastic.
oh, and you guys simply had to be there to see sim bargained for the phone. i was awestruck. me, werdna and wilson were like dumbfounded just watching the bargain king in action. next time i go on a shopping spree, i'm dragging sim along.
then we just walked around for a while more and left for home. on the way home, i bought myself a bar of Dars dark chocolate. i've been having cravings for dark chocolate lately. i dont know why.
fat ali.

alright, then yesterday i met up with sheryl in town to catch up over lunch. she just came back from hongkong and told me all about her wonderful trip there. i wanna go to hong kong too!!!
went to pick up the cake i ordered from secret recipe for my dad's birthday at bishan. it's called chocolate indulgence consisting of layers of dark, milk and white chocolate. soooooooooooooo yummy can. we had a family gathering later and the cake was gone before you knew it.

alrighty. i think that shall be it for this time round. i'll be booking in back to camp later tonight. it was a nice 2 week holiday. i do wish it could have lasted longer but then too bad. good things have to come to an end. back to the life of a soldier. bleah.
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