its a sunday and my one week chinese new year holiday is coming to an end. i wont drag about how fucked up it feels to know that within 12hours, i'd have to book in. cause everyone knows how i much i hate going back to camp and well, talking about it here would just feed the pain.
so instead lets talk about bliss.
what makes you happy? as in what creates your perfect day?
Details of my perfect day:
- waking up without an alarm clock.
- having a warmed bottle of New Moon's Birds Nest for breakfast.
- being able to skip rope 100times without stopping and doing it for 5 sets.
- having a warm shower with my body shop products.
- watching re-runs of Friends, Oprah and Ellen Degeneres on my bed in my air con room or/and
- visiting hollywood gossip websites and checking blogs
- meeting up with friends for lunch.
- shopping.
- taking a break from shopping by nibbling on cakes and gelatos.
- continue shopping.
- go back home to have dinner with family.
- have an exfoliating shower with my mango body scrub.
- have dinner with family.
- watch all those lame-ass local productions on tv with family while snacking on cold fruits.
- say goodnight to mummy and daddy while i change to my clubbing attire.
- club till late with friends.
note to self: being wasted isnt a pretty sight. drink and smoke in moderation thankyouverymuch.
- supper with friends and head home after that.
- warm shower.
- sip a cup of chamomile tea to calm myself to sleep. (you never know how powerful those redbull vodkas can be eh)
- sweet dreams.
ladies and gentlemen, this is my perfect day.
obviously, perfect days cant happen everyday or else it'll just get a teeny weeny bit dull and regimental. well, 3 perfect days in a month, considering that i'm still in national safari, would mean a great deal to me.
please god. preetypleasewithcherryontop!
anyways, people have been asking me which celebrity i find as a fashion icon. well, i dont just have one. i have many. but for this entry let me give a holler to one of my favourites, Ms Ashley Olsen.

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