guess who's birthday party i went to?

of course, she looks way better than that in real life.
of all days, she had to celebrate her 21st on a friday night in the deep dark corner of singapore. i was released from camp like 7pm+, so it was like a major rush taking a cab home, showering and changing and taking a cab there.
so when i took this cab from my house. i asked the uncle whether he knew where aloha loyang (the venue) was. confidently, he gave me a resounding yes. he told me it was at downtown east and asked me which way i want to go by.
what is it with taxi drivers and asking us which way we want to go by.
''so u wan go by which way ar? cte, pie, aye or tpe? cause hor, if you go by cte, this hour sure jam one. then if you go by pie ar, must pay erp lei. then hor aye the journey abit far lah but then very little traffic light. but aiya, go by tpe better la.''
erm . ok.
sometimes i think the only reason they ask is because it makes them look road-efficient.
anyways, so the uncle drove me at the speed of a lorry filled with bangladeshi workers and when i asked him whether he can drive me in to the bungalow that maddie was having the party. he said cannot.
he said he didnt know where the bungalow is (neither did i) and it will be too troublesome. i pay him money to drive me there and he says he its too troublesome. so in the end, i told him just to leave me at the reception counter.
so when we reached. he stopped at the entrance, and i saw this huge signboard that says ''costa sands resort''. i asked him, again, whether this was aloha loyang. and he said, ''yah, inside lor''. so i paid and made my way to the counter and i asked them, 'is this aloha loyang'?
''oh, no, this is costa sands resort. aloha is slightly further down the road.''
so i walked outside and i asked the security guard on duty, where's aloha loyang. he told me to just follow the path, and i'll see a signboard.
couldnt be that far right?
i walked and i walked and i walked somemore. the path was narrow, dark and filled with huge trees. and trust me, my faith in god grew stronger every second i walked.
finally after 15minutes, i reach a signboard that says aloha loyang, and i saw quite a distant to the entrance. and i walked and i walked.
by the time i reached the guardroom, i've sweated out my moisturiser and concealer altogather. whoopee.
i asked the security where bungalow 13 was and told me that i have to follow the number of bungalows, and in his words, 'it was arranged in order''.
and i looked at the nearest bungalow and i saw a nice number 5.
8 more bungalows ali. cmon, you've walked half of pasir ris to get here. just a bit more.
thank god i had my blotter with me. and it always help to carry a miniature bottle of moisturiser for those terrible situations. like this one.
finally i reached and everyone was already there. and i looked like i just sweated an entire marathon. luckily it was a themed party and i brought my attire to change into.
when i entered the toilet to change, i nearly leaped out of my hush puppies tighties when i saw this horrifying sweaty rape victim staring at me right in the mirror.
oh, it was just me.
time for touch ups. and out i came, looking gorgeous again decked in my Sec 2 PE attire paired with knee high socks.
and firstly a foto with the birthday girl was a must.

and so the party began. the food was good, i drank a ridiculous amount of vile tasting vodka kurrant and i caught up with all the friends i havent seen for a long time.

maddie was dressed in her brother's st gabriel's uniform.
kathleen dressed as a junior college girl.
huiming as the SIA girl, complete with the blue eye shadow and bright red nails.
angela as sailormoon.
there were more of course, there was a nurse, mad scientist, convent girls, construction workers, a hot policeman(wink!), a very cute cheerleader(lol!!) alot of schoolboys. hahahaha!!!
well, let the pictures do the talking.

YUP. it was as fun as it looks!!
alright. till next time.