somethings wrong with blogger!!!
the whole layout thingy has become retarded and its like so frustrating to blog like this.
i've been gone for 2 weeks, which felt like 2 months actually, but now that i'm back, its time to have some fun!!
since i was released on a thursday night at 11pm. that doesnt really gimme much of an opportunity to enjoy the rest of my thursday. well, then i guess, i should just tuck in early so i go out the whole day tmr.
the feeling of sleeping in my own bed is waaaaaaaaay better as compared to the one in camp. i love pillows and in camp, i only get one but then at home i get to enjoy the comfort of all my 6 pillows while sleeping under my 400 threadcount quilt.
soooooooo nice!!!
anyways, so the next day i met up with sharif who needed to do a 'back-to-school' shopping spree. and you know what, his grandmother complained to his mom that sharif has nothing to wear and always wears the same things. and so his mum passed him a huge lump sum of money for him to get clothes for school. can u imagine that?!
never. and i highlight this boldly, NEVER in my life has my mum ever told me or complained in anyway that i had a lack thereof of apparels. and NEVER has she suggested or implied giving me a huge lump sum of money to be spent on clothes.
and i donno why?
and so when i reached home the next day. i related the story to my mum and hinted that probably me too could be happier from such a benefit.
and she gave me that look. you know, that 'yah-right!' look. and said, "your 2 wadrobes are already almost bursting at the hinges and you tell me that you dont have anything to wear''
oh wells. maybe i should try this question on my dad when he gets home instead.
so we went to peninsular plaza to do the shopping. peninsular plaza is like sharif's shopping haven cause he's abit fleshy and the clothes there are for catered to full figured people.
and so the shopping begins and you know what, within 1 hour, his shopping there is done. and he spent up to $200.
and i spent at least 3hrs looking for one shirt. lol!
anyways, so we just walked ard city hall area and i showed him the wallet i wanted to get from Guess. he says its nice, but i still have my reservations. hmm.
then we shopped ard somemore and i saw this back that i've been eyeing and sharif likes it as well. but thank god he likes the brown leather one while i simply jadore the the jet black leather carryall. and so we each got one for ourselves. Yippie!! lets say i get bored with my black bag, i can always suggest a little swap with sharif. hahah!!
after all that walking we got tired and decided to have a late tea session at swensens where i gobbled down the ultra blissful yet sinful apple crumble.
bliss on the lips only goes to the hips!!
met up with 3SGT wilson who was my bunkmate in tekong, shortly after sharif left. i was forced to watch spiderman 3. oh the horror!! i'm not really a fan of the nerd in tights spitting out cumshots from his wrist. but then after sitting through 2 hours of it. it wasnt that bad afterall.
3/5 stars for spiderman 3. i just felt that it was retarded of him to say 'i forgive you' to the sandman and let him free instead of smacking his head into smithereens. and the show had a lot of 'trying to be nice' to the villains. omg! like who wrote the script? gandhi?
that was it for friday.
on saturday,
(this is starting to sound like a day to day journal but then i really have nothing to blog about so endure with me okay)
went to the library in the afternoon. the whole place was crawling with kids having the blast of their life playing catch. there were also numerous teenagers littered everywhere studying for exams. so unconducive for my quiet library time lor.
so i manage a quick one and was out with some books to entertain me in camp in the coming week.
in the evening, met up with my favourite poly projectmate, winnie for a catch up session. we had dinner at this nice cafe located in a florist at vivocity. i had one of the best tasting lasagna ever. the overflowing cheese was so gooood!!!
shopped for a while later and bought two tops. one from River Island and another cute one from Pull and Bear.
decided to have a nice walk afterwards at clarke quay. i love walks especially after meals cause it aids digestion and its always therepeutic for me. like very stress relieve. hahaha!!

after a lot of walking, we decided to chill out at Fashion Bar at The Cannery for a drink. the place looks really gorgeous. i love the cushion walls. so we chatted about our lives while sipping on 'Sex on the runway' for me and a 'Virgin Madras' for she. mine was abit strong but that was goood. i like!!!

so after alot of chatting and fotosnapping we decided to call it a day since it was getting abit late.
a friend of mine called and ask me to join him for a wonderful night clubbing at Play but unfortunately i already had plans for the night/morning. i would soooooooo love to go!!! if only you informed me earlier!!
nvm, next time that.
well on to sunday,
nothing much happened. i went to cut my hair and my hairstylist is so cute!! droolz!!!
okay guys. thats it for this entry. abit wordy and very longwinded. i'll try harder next time.
ps: paris hilton might be going to jail for 45 days. so exciting!!
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