this weekend has been ultra hectic. i haven had a proper time to sit down and blog. i know some of you have already been nagging me to do the Maddie's 21st birthday party entry but seriously, i need like at least 2hours to sit down in front of my com to blog as well as edit the fotos. and trust me, there's at least 50 photos from that event.
furthermore, there's also like other stuff to update about. so i have like ard 85 fotos to edit and blog about.
O M G!!
i need like god knows how long for that.
no time!! no time!!
anyway, i got no time to blog now cause like in ard less that 2hours time, i need to be back in camp.
so i guess, u guys just have to wait a wee bit longer and expect a reallllllllllllllllllly long entry next weekend. alright?
for now, let me leave you with one picture from the party.

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