met up with polymates, maddie and yasi, today for a lunch buffet at suki sushi.
i feel so bad now thinking of all the gorging i've done with all that japanese cuisine. gluttony was wrong but boy was it yummy. its been a while since i've visited a japanese restaurant due to my conflicting schedules. and now since i'm here, i might as well claim revenge.

isnt it funny how most of us have such an endearing attachment to all things japanese. like the geishas, ayumi hamasaki, ikebana arrangement, electronics, sushi and definitely not forgetting the porn industry. japan has set itself out for global domination. they did once with their military prowess and now, by a totally different approach but with the same objective, they do it through globalisation.
well, first in line as ambassadors of asia to the world, japan stands undefeated as of yet next to its rival china. who is followed by india spreading its wings of culture, food and music.
so there's the japanese, the chinese and the indians setting out on their global dominations but then where's the malays. it cant be possible that everyone of us is standing behind every counter of Katrina's Nasi Padang or barbecuing chicken satay at Lau Pa Sat. right?
or are we?
this is turning into some dull political blog. bleah!!!!
back to my normal bimbotic entries!
so after lunch we took a walk to toys'r'us where we let our inner kid run free. kids these days are totally spoilt for choice. especially with an array of toys for boys and girls, there wont seem to be a dull moment. in my time, everyone seemed to have either a tamagotchi or a digimon or even both. but now, PSPs are like so the 'in' thing.
going through toys'r'us was like a walk back in memory lane. i remembered playing with play doh, lego, power rangers, remote control cars and game boys.
when i was young i never owned a board game or any card games. i had game boys, remote control cars and even those motorbikes that you pay $2 on to ride around for 30minutes, well, i owned one. and i remembered that after our exams, we were allowed to bring games to class. and when my friends asked me what board games i was bringing to class, i said i didnt have any. so the next day i sat at my desk playing my gameboy alone. and when anybody asked me to join in a board game, i was the odd one out. i had no clue how to play any board games or card games. not monopoly, not snakes and ladders, heck, not even old maid.
but when i did manage to learn how to play, i had so much fun. and when i got home, i begged my mum to buy me some board games like snakes and ladders. and she said to me, "who are you gonna play the board games with?"
and i thought. "oh yah ar" and i went back to my lego.
abit pathetic ar?
a n y w a y s ,
so we snapped a few pictures in the toy store.

i still felt so full and guilty from the buffet lunch that dinner was onethird of a plate of salad. hahaha!!!
later we just sat down at TCC plaza singapura and chatted the hours away while i happily sipped on my minty mocha.
todays been such a happy leisurely time i tell you.
i liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike!!!
ps: saw my eye candy today. yep. still cute!
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