Sunday, April 27, 2008

hello public

you know, sometimes it actually hit me that i'm getting old. my mindset is no longer childish, although i do enjoy my sunday morning cartoons. my style has changed from the loud colors to a more subtle taste in dressing. and shopping for a whole day is becoming way to tiring for me.

well, i bet arthritis and alzheimer are just around the corner with the rate i'm aging.

nowadays, i much prefer a little bit of shopping paired with a lot of sitting down. sitting down watching a movie, sitting down and having drinks with friends, or just sitting down in a shopping while people watching with someone.

in a way i would say i long more for the connection rather than the interaction. if you get what i mean. its like a nice chat over scones and darjeeling feels far more real to me.

2 Kinds of Friends In Life

which brings me to a little conundrum about friends. like in life i feel like there's 2 types of friends. friends who'll remain friends till when you're old and then there's friends whom i would term seasonal friends. means something like people you make friends with because you're in the same situation, instituition, job, school and when you're no longer working together or seeing each other everyday, you dont keep in contact anymore.

as life pases by everyday i manage to separate between the 'lifetime friends' and the 'seasonal friends'. and i feel blessed to know that i have quite a few of 'lifetime friends'.

and i went out with a couple of them and needless to say i enjoyed myself.

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these are people i can shop with and camwhore with anytime and anywhere. so we went present shopping for my mum's birthday and along the way, there's always a foto opportunity.

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like creating Chanel advertisements.

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probably one day there'll hire me to do an ad for them, just like claudia shiffer.

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and while waiting for the salegirl to get the present i've chosen, once again, a camwhoring opportunity. you know sometimes i just cant help it. when a camera pops up i just go into camwhoring mode.

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its so bad that i've been labelled The Ultimate Camwhore by my friends. go ahead and tell me who can be more camwhorible than me!

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after all that hard work shopping for my mum's present, its always nice to ''chillax'' (chill + relax) over some drinks.

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yet another camwhoring opportunity while waiting for the food to arrive. i cant help it, i know! LOL!

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yummy sundaes and cake from Menotti.

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what a nice way to end a good day.


well, i guess thats it for this week's entry. pretty please click on the nuffnang advertisement at my right column.

thanks for visiting i love you and appreciate you!

to the good life...


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