so where did i stop... oh yah... thursday... so thursday is a full lecture day... sch starts at 12... so got chance to wake up a lil later cos yesterday nite got american idol till 12... jasmine rox.... lol... u noe jasmine has this whole package thing she's pretty and stuff and got a marvellous voice... okok... i am biased... but its kinda true.... she does look grea especially with that flower in her hair... hehe... fantasia and la toya cool too... that john peter lewis is kinda overdoing it... its like his deperate for votes and has to result to entertaining america rather than foreshowing his talent of voice... but the shows called american idol... not sooper voice idol... if he's entertaining maybe america dumb enough to be blinded by his antics and vote for the pen salesman.... i also have to comment on john stevens... u noe the redhead and extremely pale guy... he kinda looks like archie from archie comics... the guys are ok... nobody i kinda favor... i oni like latoya, fantasia and jasmine.... lol... anyway... sidetacking again.... thursday.... arrived for lecture a bit late... like kinda overslept... so like when i came in the lecture hall, the lecture has already begun.... stats lecture... so dont really mind... so like the seats with my cliques are all taken in the row... so i sat behind them... with this othe group of ppl that i noe but not from my class.. they're one of my classmates friends... so it was like okay... at least i knew them... ended up toking with the gal next to me... very chirpy gal... yay... anyway... it was like that until like lunch... again got 2 hr lunch... so sucky... so end up go self access centre play com.. so sianz... then got accounts lecture.... so it was like that lor... then reached home watched american idol results... oh yah... clay made an appearance... he sand solitaire... wad a boooooooring song.... but he displayed an-american-idol standard performance... cool... i really hope kimberly locke will perform.. i'll be soo happy... so in the results show, leah labelle, that russian gal with the mum with red curly hair got voted offf.... hooray... she sucked anyway... and the performance she gave was sooooooo below standard... so it was like dat....
now... friday... hmmm.. econs tutorial was cancelled for some unforseen circumstances.... lol... hooray... no need do tutorial... so it was like i have spss test later... OMG... i suck at spss lab... btw... its like a statistic thing u use computer form tables and search for frequencies and sorts... its lame... but we have to learn... to make it worse our teacher sucked at teaching... so mine was the first session at 11... so did it... first page quite ok... then second and third page i knew nuts about... so damn fucked up sia.. so like dat la... sure fail one... then after that got three hour break... so decided to study for the econs test the next day... went cafe to study but like cannot concentrate sia... so went back to library to study lor... then later went to self access centre to study instead cos library a lot of ppl... so at self access centre more worse... i end up reading the teens magazine, archie comics and cleo mags there... was supposed to go mosque but decided not too cos still fucked up bout stats... and its not good praying when u're fuccked up... lol... okok... i was lazy... shhh... then got IT class at 3.... so sianz... understand nuts bout it... feel so fucked up by microsoft access... so dry... then later at night decided to study econs but end up watching survivor... then later tired so leep lor...
saturday..... OMFG... i haven touched econs... so i started econs at 7.... got chn class at nine and econs at 10... so it like chn class like go oni one hour... very bo liao... so decided to jus study econs instead... so like flip thru and try to squeeze as much info as possible into my puny brain... aaaaargh... stressed... then came school on time... the econs test was ok except for a few questions behind... then after that met up with cd project mates to discuss... took like 1hr... my group doing body art... like tattoo, henna, piercing, nails... those kind of stuff... i was in charge of temporary tattoos... so kinda did my researched today liao... so after the meeting needed go library to return a book.... one of my friend wanted to join me... so cool... yeah.. at least not going alone... suppose jus to go for like 1-2hrs... but in the end wad was suppose to end at 2 ended at 5++... lol... had fun though... took fotos... yesterday update got my foto... took it at westmall... after that go home very tired... then i buy this magazine call manja... guess who's on the cover... SITI NURHALIZA!!!!!!! omg... she on the cover again.. fr wad like 5 times oredi... soooo happy... shee soooooo pretty... hahaha... so i bought it... yay... o happy day...
then today is a sunday... did nothing much... jus lazed around infront of the teevee... watched hindi movie at 1... sianz.... pla com.. my mom cooked mee rebus... damn nice... eat so much.. later bloat up like one big fishball again... haiz... must start on my new nvc diet... nvc = no visible carbo.... must discipline... need to lose more weight....
note to self : begin nvc diet on monday...
so that was my whole entire week... so now i'll leave u with a foto of me and my wonderful and sooper helpful fren barney.... this foto we took when we took a rollercoaster somewhere.. notice the wind blowing thru our hair... hahahaha... i look so delirious in this foto.... and barney has his cheesy smile again... lol... no offence... till next time... toodles...
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