i've been thru trying times and somewad i am now recovering... however i think my insomnia is coming back again... i cant get to sleep today... i was tossing and turning in bed... yet my eyes were not sleepy... maybe i jus had too much sleep during the day that now at night i dont feel sleepy anymore... this is bad... i do not wan to be a nocturnal creature(no offence to anyone) but somehow sleeping late will affect ur health and create those nasty eye bags that i so wan to be gone... so maybe i'll try to increase activities in the day so that i'll be more tired and dire need of a good night's rest... and watching tv would not be considered an activity... and also i must refrain from sleeping like around 3-4am everyday...this is bad... my limit will be 12am... i'll try... yeah...
well... i went to joie de vivre yeterday... it was a meridian jc symphonic band's solo debut performance... i was there basically to support a few frens... sharif, joel, jun yang and eugene... these people were kinda my close cliques in secondary sch therefore its only rational that i go and give my fullest support to my frens who are performing... i went there with vineson(pronounce as vincent)... wei liat was suppose to join us but had urgent last minute plans... so nvm la...
so me and vineson met at city hall mrt at 6.30pm... concert was to start at 7.30pm at the Victoria Concert Hall so we decided to be early as we didnt want to rush there... so kool... i havent had my dinner though... and was feeling rather hungry but thought maybe can find an eatery along the way and i could probably grab something to munch along the way... but, unfortunately we passed by none... on the way to vch, i saw nadia... she was outside cafe cartel and my guess would be that she's working that night... i jus waved hi... then we continued walking and we somewad reach vch a tad bit early... hmm.. maybe around 45 mins early...
so we just sat at the entrance hoping to see any of our frens... called sharif... and he came out with jun yang... talked to them for a while and they had to make a move for preparations... it was a bit of a letdown to see sharif's hair styled the usual manner... we both went the extra mile to find a nice hairstylist to cut his hair a few days before that and it looked really great on him... something really refreshing to see.. and he too from wad i see was really happy with it... we even took neoprint on that day... lol.. will try to include it next time if i can find someone to scan the neoprints for me... anyway that day was a friday, also the day before some bollywood extravaganza thingy at the indoor stadium and thats when we saw one really famous bollywood actor, Amitabh Bachan... he's like the Sean Connery of Bollywood... so there was a huge crowd outside this hotel where he had an autograph signing session for his book... so really cool... i actually got to see a huge celebrity up close...
anyway... back to vch... after sharif and jun yang left... we stumped into joel and eugene... yippie... havent seen them for ages... felt good to see them again... exchanged a few words and they too had to rush for final preparations... then its like we still had 30 mins left... was feeling rather hungry and went to the cafeteria dwnstairs... the food was definitely overcharged but since they were like the only cafeteria in that building, they could afford to do that... so, bought myself a snickers bar that cost me 2bucks.. then the concert was about to beign so we went to get out seats... as the tickets were said to be sold out, a full house was expected, so better grab seats fast... so got our seats... the first piece played by the band was La Quintessenza by the famous Johan De Meji... i have to say that i am not quite a fan of Mr Johan's pieces and there are quite boring... and this piece was no exception... i would have to say that the opening piece didnt really set a good mood... however the rest of the pieces before the 2nd half were nice and quite ok...
then, it was interval... got to meet all of them at the overlycrowded ticket booth... so didnt really get to get a whole group photo... but at least got to see them okok la... they kinda received a lot of flowers from their other frens and joels received a nice gourd and even carrots.. lol... didnt got them anything cos like.. hello? i m paying to watch u ppl play here... i think that gratitude enough... lol... anyway... went back in... then they had these ensembles... it was kinda nice la... a bit funny for the different groups...
then they played a piece that i'd have to say was my favourite piece of the nite... Japanese Graffiti 5... it was very nice... quite up tempo and jazzy at parts... sounded a bit oddly malay at some tunes... lol... the rest of the songs were nice too like First Love and American Graffiti 12... but i prefered another version of American Graffiti... anyway... the second half of the concert was the better half... the conductress, Ms Sia was ok but a bit to consistent with her movement... so thats it la.. they only had one Encore performance...i was really hoping for Concerto De Amore... as it is my favourite band piece.... but they played something else.. so we left after the whole thing...
darn it, i missed FRIENDS... but at least i had a great day... hopefully we can get a gathering of everyone again one day... sounds delightful...
my results will be out tmr... kinda tensed up, but i noe i'll probably fail a few... cause i didnt really perform my best for this exam... so, will soo not look forward to studying for the sub papers... sigh... k la... people wish me luck kkz...
*here are some fotos for your viewing pleasure

this is the band perfoming from my view

more of the band from my view

sharif and vineson during the interval

me and sharif during the interval

joel with his green gourd and flowers

the trio amigos

the clarinet ensemble...
**well people that the only fotos i have... terrible quality la... cos we sitting not so near the stage... but hopefully, u could get a feel of how the buzz was like yesterday... so i think thats it for this entry...
yours truly,
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