joys party at the american club on sunday night was a blast.. okok.. sunday started with us meeting up early to get her present.. and that in the evening, it was time to party.. the club was kinda secluded and they had policeman with big guns guarding the place in fear of terrorist attack i think.. hehe.. so we sat down and had pizza.. i loved pizza and they had so many different types.. hehe... yummy.. they had great music.. and i have to say that joys family was very musically inclined.. joy and her siblings can all play either violin or cello and/or piano.. her mum plays the piano.. her soon to be fiancee can play the sax.. and the father, well he could play alot of instruments.. namely those from the dental clinic.. lol.. jaz, her lil sis was adorable and she could play the violin well.. there was one disturbing trend that i saw amongst her friends or her sister's friends.. a lot of them had braces... disturbing or jus coincidence?.. hmm.. go figure. (PS: the father's a dentist).. we ended the day with fun games.. and was dead tired when i reached home.. i was kinda farting alot when walking home.. could be becasue of all the helium i inhaled to make funny noises.. (if u inhale helium, ur voice change to squeeky chipmunks).. i was farting helium...
on monday which is today, me and my mother did hari raya shopping.. went to geylang serai (the malay stuff area not the red light district) to get our stuff.. this year, my whole family is in purple malay costume.. soooo cool... then jus bought a few other typical stuff like carpets, table mats, cushion cover, tissue box cover, decorative flowers and not forgetting those malay cookies and biscuits.. it was like 5hrs of shopping during fasting hours.. whoah!!! we ended the day at city plaza.. they had this massage chairs where u put in $1 and they work for 3 minutes.. so shiok.. then we went home.. had jalan kayu nasi bryani that we bought at the hari raya bazaar for break-fast.. it was suuuuuuuper delicious.. yummy..
tuesday will be my rest day.. i've been going out too many times this week.. i need my rest.. and wednesday i'm gonna go watch princess diary 2.. cant wait.. the show looks exciting.. this thursday is deepavali and sunday is hari raya.. i cant wait for hari raya.. jus imagine all the hong baos... $$$$.. then after that i go shopping.. i've been eyeing this louis vuitton wallet that cost $325.. its gorgeous.. those checkered print type.. but like now alot of fake LV.. and they look real.. so u nvr noe.. i wanna own a branded item that i buy with my own money.. hmm.. maybe i shld get a job.. then i'll spend my first pay on a Hermes shirt or a Versace jacket. cools.. i wanna be rich.. i'm gonna work hard to achieve this dream.. but first i need to find work.. anybody got any lobang for holiday jobs?
my blog has a new song.. its by brandy.. its called 'turn it up'.. sounds abit like the late Alliyah's music but its not.. very nice beat to groove.. hope u like it.. anyway.. here are the fotos that were taken during joy's party...

me & KY

me looking retarded

mee li, yasi, maddie, joy doing a blow job


informal.. i dint noe they were taking foto yet though..

all of joy's friends - formal

all of joys friend's - informal
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