Friday, April 08, 2005

heloo public,

oh dreary, i'm pmsing today. woke up and missed part of designer guys. spent the entire afternoon watching the pope's funeral live telecast on channelnewsasia since horsey had other plans than studying law. i made dinner today. cooked fussili in mushroom cream sauce topped with sauteed prawns. it turned out horrid. jus threw everything down the chute. in the end, my mum came to the rescue by making fried rice.

was suppose to study for my law paper thats coming up this monday. all i did today that came close to business law was arranging all my lectures and tutorials in order. thats motherfuckin all. shit. i have 12 chapters to study and countless rules to remember and i cant bring myself to start studying. die die must try.

overall, today was kind of a bad day. everything jus doesnt seem to go my way. shit happens, live with it and move on. anyways, somehow or rather the 9pm chinese show on channel 8 has been really sappy. i hate sappy sad shows. they make me sappy watching it. u jus can help but get a tug at ur heartstrings when u see how sad their life are and how much they suffer.

on a brighter note, joanne peh is hot.

on a sadder note, here a poem.

That day I saw you
Holding hands with someone new
Somehow I kept my composure
Just like everything was cool
But inside I kept repeating
Don't ever let them see you cry
So I casually turned my head
As the tears rolled down my eyes

life is not perferct, it can never be. lets jus be happy with near perfection.
alvin aliguera hilton lee

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