as you all might have read, i work in a place called silvercity. i love it there although the pay is peanuts. i've yet to acquire the need for proper finance as i still do receive financing from mummy and daddy. so for now, work is all about having fun while doing something productive.
the people there are really great. all very friendly and really fun to crap with. but i found out smthing recently, smthing that really intrigues me. most of them are camera shy!!!
i dun understand how people can be camera shy. i've been bringing my camera around lately since its gonna be my last month before i escape to the lush resort of Tekongville. everytime i wanna take foto with someone, its like squeezing milk from a dried up cow's udder. everyone jus shy away like i have BO or smthing. and i dont think i have.

B, W and S are my colleagues while J is one of our managers.
so anyways, a few of us decided to pay a visit to the newly opened The Cathay. its located somewhere ard a 5 minutes walk from dhoby ghaut station. the place looks really good. we decided to catch a foreign film titled Paradise now. its a multi award winning foreign film.

the show is in arabic about the palestine & israel crisis. its about how palastineans feel very controlled and opressed by the brutal sanctions that israel and their army put upon them. then its like the only way palastinean feel that they can evoke a change or so smthing is by doing suicide bombings. its a veeeeeery good show. its those thought provoking type and i love it that once in a while i get to use my brain to watch a movie.

so after the show, we walked to plaza singapura and sat around at macdonalds. and thats when i decided to camwhore once again.

it was getting late and most shops at plaza sing was closing so we decided to go home.
thats it for now. toodles.
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