hello public
''too much confusion
in my transition
lord i beg for direction''
ali joe version 2.0 is down.
''maybe someday i will understand
god's messed up little plan''
what i need right now is you but you've left me and now i'm empty. like a hello panda without the chocolate cream, i am hollow inside.
i'll just sit in a corner and be by myself right now.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Sunday, September 24, 2006
hello public
firstly, jus wanna wish all the Muslim people out there a Happy Fasting Month.
fasting is not all about abstaining from food and drinks. it is also about abstaining from all negativity and discipling your desires. its like a purification process. in this month, everyone is encouraged to do as much good as they can.
its hard enough to abstain from food and drinks on a normal day basis. its worst that this time round, fasting month falls during my Guards training process. i have no idea how i'm gonna be able to go through the trainings and all the fast marches.
i'm going to try my best, for my faith and my personal sense of achievement.
back to normal blogging stuff.
last sunday, i met up with maddie to go to army market. so i took a cab from my house where the uncle was like travelling at 65km/h. i told him i wanted to go to golden mile food centre which is the proper name for the army market. and for 3 quarters of the way he thought i was a Thai. unless he associates Thais with Mtv VJ Utt, then i donno where else the resemblance arise.

so i bought the stuff i needed for national safari. saw kwang yong and chatted for a while. found out that he's going to Sispec. then while walking around the market, saw Hidz, a very old fren whom i've lost touch with and met again online(long story). then, had a few small bites later at the foodplace and walked our way back to bugis junction. made our way back later cause maddie had to attend a colleague's baby shower and i had a family gathering later on.
met up with my neighbour Fara for a little walkabout town. she needed to get a beach hat and with the help of yours truly, she found a gorgeous one from Takashimaya.
i swear ppl should start paying me for providing fashion advice. lol!

so we walked around for a bit and i saw this gorgeous batik print cap that was in gold. i simply had to get it. haha. and of course i did.
walked around for a while more and we parted later on cause i was gonna meet up with some other frens for dinner.
there was suppose to be a tekong bunkmate dinner outing but then like so many cant make it for god knows why. in the end, out of 13 people, only 3 made it. andrew, wilson and me.

so firstly, we went for dinner at the ship. i had the lobster with rib eye steak. ABSOLUTELY yummy! i love this place which has really great ambience and food. so we sat down and chatted bout our respective lives in our different units.
its only been one week that i've been in my new unit but i'm missing tekong so much!! i miss all my bunkmates too!!! and my platoonmates too!!! i miss bmt!!!!
so saddening. bmt life was so much fun. its like only 3 mths with all this guys that i've never met before and once we've gotten really close, its time to part. nothing last forever. but then, we can always meet up.

i miss sitting at the table in the middle of the bunk to play daidee. miss listening to songs on kangming's speakers. miss having a water cooler and hot water readily available. i miss my bunk, my bed. i miss taking the ferry. i miss the fantastic view from my room. and soo many more!!!
well, maybe thats because i haven fully adapt to my new unit life. but my platoon mates are a bunch of fun and funny people. and the food from the cookhouse is scrumptious. well at least there is a faint sight of silver lining amidst these dark clouds.
anyway, so we just walk around later in town. andrew wanted to get bubble tea from takashimaya and there was where i saw my eye candy. this eye candy of mine was from sp doing media and communication. i kept seeing her around in campus and thought that she was quite cute. hahaha. now, she's working at that bubble tea place. haha. nice. hahaha. still pretty!
nothing to do, we sat down and did lame things with camera trick. like this....

since someone was getting tired, namely my sexy johnson. hahaha, we decided to make our way home.
great day. great company.
oh yeah.
i was really bored. so i googled 'REALITEE' and guess wad?? i'm on page 2. hahahaha!!!

i'm almost there reaching stardom!!!
cmon ppl!!! make me famous!! spread the joy of realitee to all your frens!!! each and every one of you!!!
trust me, i wont forget you guys when i'm waaaaaaaaay popular than that xiaxue.
xiaxue who? lol.
alright thats it for now. dont forget to tag in my tagboards or gimmer hugs k.
firstly, jus wanna wish all the Muslim people out there a Happy Fasting Month.
fasting is not all about abstaining from food and drinks. it is also about abstaining from all negativity and discipling your desires. its like a purification process. in this month, everyone is encouraged to do as much good as they can.
its hard enough to abstain from food and drinks on a normal day basis. its worst that this time round, fasting month falls during my Guards training process. i have no idea how i'm gonna be able to go through the trainings and all the fast marches.
i'm going to try my best, for my faith and my personal sense of achievement.
back to normal blogging stuff.
last sunday, i met up with maddie to go to army market. so i took a cab from my house where the uncle was like travelling at 65km/h. i told him i wanted to go to golden mile food centre which is the proper name for the army market. and for 3 quarters of the way he thought i was a Thai. unless he associates Thais with Mtv VJ Utt, then i donno where else the resemblance arise.

so i bought the stuff i needed for national safari. saw kwang yong and chatted for a while. found out that he's going to Sispec. then while walking around the market, saw Hidz, a very old fren whom i've lost touch with and met again online(long story). then, had a few small bites later at the foodplace and walked our way back to bugis junction. made our way back later cause maddie had to attend a colleague's baby shower and i had a family gathering later on.
met up with my neighbour Fara for a little walkabout town. she needed to get a beach hat and with the help of yours truly, she found a gorgeous one from Takashimaya.
i swear ppl should start paying me for providing fashion advice. lol!

so we walked around for a bit and i saw this gorgeous batik print cap that was in gold. i simply had to get it. haha. and of course i did.
walked around for a while more and we parted later on cause i was gonna meet up with some other frens for dinner.
there was suppose to be a tekong bunkmate dinner outing but then like so many cant make it for god knows why. in the end, out of 13 people, only 3 made it. andrew, wilson and me.

so firstly, we went for dinner at the ship. i had the lobster with rib eye steak. ABSOLUTELY yummy! i love this place which has really great ambience and food. so we sat down and chatted bout our respective lives in our different units.
its only been one week that i've been in my new unit but i'm missing tekong so much!! i miss all my bunkmates too!!! and my platoonmates too!!! i miss bmt!!!!
so saddening. bmt life was so much fun. its like only 3 mths with all this guys that i've never met before and once we've gotten really close, its time to part. nothing last forever. but then, we can always meet up.

i miss sitting at the table in the middle of the bunk to play daidee. miss listening to songs on kangming's speakers. miss having a water cooler and hot water readily available. i miss my bunk, my bed. i miss taking the ferry. i miss the fantastic view from my room. and soo many more!!!
well, maybe thats because i haven fully adapt to my new unit life. but my platoon mates are a bunch of fun and funny people. and the food from the cookhouse is scrumptious. well at least there is a faint sight of silver lining amidst these dark clouds.
anyway, so we just walk around later in town. andrew wanted to get bubble tea from takashimaya and there was where i saw my eye candy. this eye candy of mine was from sp doing media and communication. i kept seeing her around in campus and thought that she was quite cute. hahaha. now, she's working at that bubble tea place. haha. nice. hahaha. still pretty!
nothing to do, we sat down and did lame things with camera trick. like this....

since someone was getting tired, namely my sexy johnson. hahaha, we decided to make our way home.
great day. great company.
oh yeah.
i was really bored. so i googled 'REALITEE' and guess wad?? i'm on page 2. hahahaha!!!

i'm almost there reaching stardom!!!
cmon ppl!!! make me famous!! spread the joy of realitee to all your frens!!! each and every one of you!!!
trust me, i wont forget you guys when i'm waaaaaaaaay popular than that xiaxue.
xiaxue who? lol.
alright thats it for now. dont forget to tag in my tagboards or gimmer hugs k.
Friday, September 22, 2006
hello public
i SWEAR i wasnt channelling Christina when i posed for this foto few weeks back.

i bet it was her who copied me when she posed similarly in a recent event!!!
i should have copyrighted my fotos damnit.
why do i have this feeling chritina read my blog?
toodles. for now.
i SWEAR i wasnt channelling Christina when i posed for this foto few weeks back.

i bet it was her who copied me when she posed similarly in a recent event!!!
i should have copyrighted my fotos damnit.
why do i have this feeling chritina read my blog?
toodles. for now.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
hello public
well, after much thoughts and reasonings, i've finally come to terms with me going to Guards. its not exactly like i have a choice of which unit or what vocation i get posted to, so i just have to learn to adapt to changes and approach it with an open mind. found out in yesterday's family gathering that one of my uncles was from Guards as well. he told me that its gonna be really fun, memorable but also very tough. also, he said that i'll do fine.
much arigatos to everyone who has given me motivation and showed belief that i can and will get through this.
because you believed, thus, i shall achieve.
what does not kill me will only make me stronger. oh, please i pray that i be stronger and not the otherwise.
a few days back i met up with a good friend of mine, Sheryl where we had lunch at Plaza Singapura. after that we took the north-east-line to Little India and did a little sightseeing. to me, i feel that Singapore is not all about the Paragon or the Palais Renaissance. Singapore is blessed with harmony amidst a myriad of cultures and yet not many of us embrace this.
yes, we do know that we're living on an island of 4 million smiles (supposedly according to posters for the IMF but i strongly beg to differ but lets not talk about that now) but do we actually care about what the 4 million consist of.
i dont feel that singapore has achieve racial harmony what i do feel however is that we have something more of a racial co-habit. i know and you know that we have a myriad of cultures but if you keep to yours and i keep to mine and we dont bug each other then let it be that way.
i feel this more persistently amongst our youth. i feel that the younger Singaporeans no longer take interest in culture, whether be it their own or other people's.
all i'm trying to say is that, in this era of PSPs, Centrinos and Dual Processors, lets not forget about our roots. embrace also the multitude of cultures we have in Singapore. our cultures are not only for the tourist but also for us to embrace.
Make Culture Matter.
i was getting a bit political but lets stop cause its just boring you guys. lets just move on to the bimbotic stuff. lol~~! well, we walked amongst the shops in little india where many bazaars and decorations were beginning to erect in celebration for the Festival of Light. we also munched on Indian sweets from Komala Villas and made our way later to the 24hour shopping centre, Mustafa for a little retail therapy.

after all the sightseeing, i suggested that instead of taking the train back to Bugis station, we might as well just walk there since i had a faint memory on the route.
i actually found it quite interesting to 'discover' singapore on foot. there are many interesting things that you can spot on foot rather than on transport. along the way, we chanced upon the Sungei Road flea market which i've been wanting to visit but never knew how to.
entering the flea market, it was like a totally different Singapore. everyone there was at least twice our age and most of the vendors were almost thrice our age. the items sold had more nostalgia value than cost value. it was really a nice experience.
reached bugis junction later where i said goodbye to Sheryl cause i had promised to meet up with my National Safari mates for a gathering at Safra Chalet that evening.

by the time i reached Tanah Merah mrt station, Kangming, Wilson and Jiasen were already there awaiting the arrival of his majesty. haha. his majesty is never late, it is his subject who are early. LOL!! nicholas came to pick jiasen up cause there's only one space left in his car. so the rest of us waited for Akil who only lived one mrt station away but was still the latest. so when he arrived, we all hopped onto a cab and headed towards Tanah Merah Safra Country Club.
boy was the place inaccessible if you aint got transportation. there were shuttle busses that came every hour or smthing but i cant imagine waiting that long.
by the time we reached, there were a number of my platoon mates and commanders already there. said hi and caught up with some of them.
meddled abit with the barbeque thingy. there were chicken wings, squids, sting ray, dory fish, hotdog, crabsticks and of course my favourite marshmellows!!! hahaha. the food were scrumptious although often at times either a tad raw or a tad burnt. haha! it was really fun and all and we even made a toast to Steve Irvin as we ate the bbq stingray. LOL!!

later on, after some food, drinks, booze and whatnots, we brought out the cake to celebrate our commanders birthday. 3SGT Hafiz and 2LT Hakim. it was a really yummy chocolate cake. YAY!
stayed a wee bit more but had to catch the last shuttle bus out at 1030pm out of the chalet as cabs were nowhere in sight at the resort. so i changed and headed to the bus stop with some of my platoon mates who were not staying the night.

as the shuttle bus reached Tanah Merah mrt ard 11pm and i was getting abit late for a meet-up i had with some friends later on that night, i decided to bid farewell to the rest and hailed a cab.
overall, it was an entirely fun day and that's all that matters.
well, after much thoughts and reasonings, i've finally come to terms with me going to Guards. its not exactly like i have a choice of which unit or what vocation i get posted to, so i just have to learn to adapt to changes and approach it with an open mind. found out in yesterday's family gathering that one of my uncles was from Guards as well. he told me that its gonna be really fun, memorable but also very tough. also, he said that i'll do fine.
much arigatos to everyone who has given me motivation and showed belief that i can and will get through this.
because you believed, thus, i shall achieve.
what does not kill me will only make me stronger. oh, please i pray that i be stronger and not the otherwise.
a few days back i met up with a good friend of mine, Sheryl where we had lunch at Plaza Singapura. after that we took the north-east-line to Little India and did a little sightseeing. to me, i feel that Singapore is not all about the Paragon or the Palais Renaissance. Singapore is blessed with harmony amidst a myriad of cultures and yet not many of us embrace this.
yes, we do know that we're living on an island of 4 million smiles (supposedly according to posters for the IMF but i strongly beg to differ but lets not talk about that now) but do we actually care about what the 4 million consist of.
i dont feel that singapore has achieve racial harmony what i do feel however is that we have something more of a racial co-habit. i know and you know that we have a myriad of cultures but if you keep to yours and i keep to mine and we dont bug each other then let it be that way.
i feel this more persistently amongst our youth. i feel that the younger Singaporeans no longer take interest in culture, whether be it their own or other people's.
all i'm trying to say is that, in this era of PSPs, Centrinos and Dual Processors, lets not forget about our roots. embrace also the multitude of cultures we have in Singapore. our cultures are not only for the tourist but also for us to embrace.
Make Culture Matter.
i was getting a bit political but lets stop cause its just boring you guys. lets just move on to the bimbotic stuff. lol~~! well, we walked amongst the shops in little india where many bazaars and decorations were beginning to erect in celebration for the Festival of Light. we also munched on Indian sweets from Komala Villas and made our way later to the 24hour shopping centre, Mustafa for a little retail therapy.

after all the sightseeing, i suggested that instead of taking the train back to Bugis station, we might as well just walk there since i had a faint memory on the route.
i actually found it quite interesting to 'discover' singapore on foot. there are many interesting things that you can spot on foot rather than on transport. along the way, we chanced upon the Sungei Road flea market which i've been wanting to visit but never knew how to.
entering the flea market, it was like a totally different Singapore. everyone there was at least twice our age and most of the vendors were almost thrice our age. the items sold had more nostalgia value than cost value. it was really a nice experience.
reached bugis junction later where i said goodbye to Sheryl cause i had promised to meet up with my National Safari mates for a gathering at Safra Chalet that evening.

by the time i reached Tanah Merah mrt station, Kangming, Wilson and Jiasen were already there awaiting the arrival of his majesty. haha. his majesty is never late, it is his subject who are early. LOL!! nicholas came to pick jiasen up cause there's only one space left in his car. so the rest of us waited for Akil who only lived one mrt station away but was still the latest. so when he arrived, we all hopped onto a cab and headed towards Tanah Merah Safra Country Club.
boy was the place inaccessible if you aint got transportation. there were shuttle busses that came every hour or smthing but i cant imagine waiting that long.
by the time we reached, there were a number of my platoon mates and commanders already there. said hi and caught up with some of them.
meddled abit with the barbeque thingy. there were chicken wings, squids, sting ray, dory fish, hotdog, crabsticks and of course my favourite marshmellows!!! hahaha. the food were scrumptious although often at times either a tad raw or a tad burnt. haha! it was really fun and all and we even made a toast to Steve Irvin as we ate the bbq stingray. LOL!!

later on, after some food, drinks, booze and whatnots, we brought out the cake to celebrate our commanders birthday. 3SGT Hafiz and 2LT Hakim. it was a really yummy chocolate cake. YAY!
stayed a wee bit more but had to catch the last shuttle bus out at 1030pm out of the chalet as cabs were nowhere in sight at the resort. so i changed and headed to the bus stop with some of my platoon mates who were not staying the night.

as the shuttle bus reached Tanah Merah mrt ard 11pm and i was getting abit late for a meet-up i had with some friends later on that night, i decided to bid farewell to the rest and hailed a cab.
overall, it was an entirely fun day and that's all that matters.
Friday, September 15, 2006
hello public
"on no soul does God place a burden greater than it can bear"
(Taken from the Holy Koran, Al Baqarah 2:286)
oh, i sure do hope God is right.
while everyone else that i know of are going to command school, i am not.
i'm posted to Guards.
according to many of my friends, guards is fucking shiong(tough). its as tough as being a commando. and commandoes go through the most toughest training.
will my weak fragile body be able to handle it?
only time will tell.
"on no soul does God place a burden greater than it can bear"
(Taken from the Holy Koran, Al Baqarah 2:286)
oh, i sure do hope God is right.
while everyone else that i know of are going to command school, i am not.
i'm posted to Guards.
according to many of my friends, guards is fucking shiong(tough). its as tough as being a commando. and commandoes go through the most toughest training.
will my weak fragile body be able to handle it?
only time will tell.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
hello public
today's a good day.
i woke up and i didnt have a bad hair day. well, as a matter of fact, i havent had a bad hair day for almost 4 months.
oh yah, thats right!!! i havent had that much hair to go wrong with anyway.
sometimes i don understand why i bother to use conditioner after i shampoo my hair. i'm starting to feel its abit redundant.
anyway, i woke up today and managed to catch the early re runs of Oprah. it was about the victims of hurricane kanina or katrina or smthing. its fucking sad la seing all these people loosing their homes and family members. i was like a fucking emotional wreck throughout the show can.
as did New Orleans flooded, so did i.
i never knew i was such an emo person. i didnt even cry when the pope died. well, now at least i know that my tear ducts are still functioning. maybe its just the result of bottling up your emotions. its like a time bomb, anytime it may just explode.
i have to say that i'm a very private person when it comes to my emotions and personal life. there are of course some things that you wont see me blog about here.
well, anyway. so after that overflowing Oprah session. i managed to do a couple of sun salutions and did a little candle meditation. then i started on my wadrobe reshuffling. after 2 hours, i managed to color coordinate my clothes. even my jeans were arranged according to their different shades of blue.
i love decluttering my room. its like after doing it, there's a sense of achievement and its no longer an eyesore. its a stress relief thing for me.
well, since i've decided to make today my official 'chill' day. there's one more mandatory thing to do. visit the library. so i washed up and sprayed some burberry brit cause to me, the burberry brit scent is my 'Chill, calm and relax scent' cause it smells like baby powder and i loved baby powder smell.
i bought this scent of course before i knew a bunkmate of mine from national safari who has a fetish for baby powder. haha.
so i flipped through some home furnishing magazines cause i'm like having a thing for decor stuff right now. it's probably a passing phase. sat there for like 3 hours at cafe galilee sipping on 3 cups of caramel latte. i have so much caffeine in my system right now that if u can up my piss, its almost like red bull.
took a little stroll in ang mo kio central later and finally managed to purchase my moisturiser. i've been running out of moisturiser for almost a week and i've been surviving on hazeline snow for the time being. i never knew this cheap glass jar of white contents was that good. but i'm still sticking to my regular moisturiser because its tried and trusted by me. haha.
what moisturiser i use?
its my secret. but its definitely not ZA's. if any of you were thinking of getting a ZA moisturiser than i have a piece of advice for you. dont! it caused me a major breakout. can u imagine applying a night cream with hopes of getting better skin the next morning only to wake up to the Pacific Ring of Fire (if you took geography u'd know that this place is where all the volcanoes are located). terrible. but i've got to give ZA some credit, their concealers are actualy quite good.
anyone watched singapore idol?
i thank god that paul twohill is finally out. he was good entertainment though. anyways, so now its left with sweetie pie Jasmine, crooning rocker Jonathan and professional singer Hady.
has anybody noticed that last year's top three consisted also of a malay guy, a chinese rocker and a girl. well, that is if you consider olinda a girl.
and with tonight's performance, its like a confirm plus chop that Jon and Hady would be gracing the finals. i did however had high hopes for Jasmine cause she exceeded my expectations of her for last week's performance where she did a rendition of Jewel's foolish games. which is one of my favourite songs and i know it fucking hard to carry off and Jasmine did well.
but today, like what Dick Lee said, Jasmine kinda gave up. its like she knew that Jon and Hady are going to the finals cause they're like way better and have more fans, so she decided to just sing for the sake of getting it over and done with. i was of course dissapointed with her performance today because i felt she could have chosen better songs and sung way better than what she croaked today.
i'm having my votes on Jonathan to win Singapore Idol this time round cause i like his hair.
and of course he can sing la and got an X factor. hahaha. and of course, singapore will be multi racial and let the Chinese win this season cause a malay won the previous season. hahaha. its not a racist statement okay. i just think that singaporeans are very liberal in a politically correct manner.
i wont go on in case i get sued for creating racial conflicts. LOL.
well thats about it for this entry. i dont think i'll be updating tmr cause i'm doing a heritage tour in the afternoon with sheryl and a chalet with my national safari frens later in the night. till next time, take care.
dont forget to tag and gimme hugs and remember, ALI JOE LOVES YOU!

if you can spot me in this picture, i'll give you a little treat. good luck!
today's a good day.
i woke up and i didnt have a bad hair day. well, as a matter of fact, i havent had a bad hair day for almost 4 months.
oh yah, thats right!!! i havent had that much hair to go wrong with anyway.
sometimes i don understand why i bother to use conditioner after i shampoo my hair. i'm starting to feel its abit redundant.
anyway, i woke up today and managed to catch the early re runs of Oprah. it was about the victims of hurricane kanina or katrina or smthing. its fucking sad la seing all these people loosing their homes and family members. i was like a fucking emotional wreck throughout the show can.
as did New Orleans flooded, so did i.
i never knew i was such an emo person. i didnt even cry when the pope died. well, now at least i know that my tear ducts are still functioning. maybe its just the result of bottling up your emotions. its like a time bomb, anytime it may just explode.
i have to say that i'm a very private person when it comes to my emotions and personal life. there are of course some things that you wont see me blog about here.
well, anyway. so after that overflowing Oprah session. i managed to do a couple of sun salutions and did a little candle meditation. then i started on my wadrobe reshuffling. after 2 hours, i managed to color coordinate my clothes. even my jeans were arranged according to their different shades of blue.
i love decluttering my room. its like after doing it, there's a sense of achievement and its no longer an eyesore. its a stress relief thing for me.
well, since i've decided to make today my official 'chill' day. there's one more mandatory thing to do. visit the library. so i washed up and sprayed some burberry brit cause to me, the burberry brit scent is my 'Chill, calm and relax scent' cause it smells like baby powder and i loved baby powder smell.
i bought this scent of course before i knew a bunkmate of mine from national safari who has a fetish for baby powder. haha.
so i flipped through some home furnishing magazines cause i'm like having a thing for decor stuff right now. it's probably a passing phase. sat there for like 3 hours at cafe galilee sipping on 3 cups of caramel latte. i have so much caffeine in my system right now that if u can up my piss, its almost like red bull.
took a little stroll in ang mo kio central later and finally managed to purchase my moisturiser. i've been running out of moisturiser for almost a week and i've been surviving on hazeline snow for the time being. i never knew this cheap glass jar of white contents was that good. but i'm still sticking to my regular moisturiser because its tried and trusted by me. haha.
what moisturiser i use?
its my secret. but its definitely not ZA's. if any of you were thinking of getting a ZA moisturiser than i have a piece of advice for you. dont! it caused me a major breakout. can u imagine applying a night cream with hopes of getting better skin the next morning only to wake up to the Pacific Ring of Fire (if you took geography u'd know that this place is where all the volcanoes are located). terrible. but i've got to give ZA some credit, their concealers are actualy quite good.
anyone watched singapore idol?
i thank god that paul twohill is finally out. he was good entertainment though. anyways, so now its left with sweetie pie Jasmine, crooning rocker Jonathan and professional singer Hady.
has anybody noticed that last year's top three consisted also of a malay guy, a chinese rocker and a girl. well, that is if you consider olinda a girl.
and with tonight's performance, its like a confirm plus chop that Jon and Hady would be gracing the finals. i did however had high hopes for Jasmine cause she exceeded my expectations of her for last week's performance where she did a rendition of Jewel's foolish games. which is one of my favourite songs and i know it fucking hard to carry off and Jasmine did well.
but today, like what Dick Lee said, Jasmine kinda gave up. its like she knew that Jon and Hady are going to the finals cause they're like way better and have more fans, so she decided to just sing for the sake of getting it over and done with. i was of course dissapointed with her performance today because i felt she could have chosen better songs and sung way better than what she croaked today.
i'm having my votes on Jonathan to win Singapore Idol this time round cause i like his hair.
and of course he can sing la and got an X factor. hahaha. and of course, singapore will be multi racial and let the Chinese win this season cause a malay won the previous season. hahaha. its not a racist statement okay. i just think that singaporeans are very liberal in a politically correct manner.
i wont go on in case i get sued for creating racial conflicts. LOL.
well thats about it for this entry. i dont think i'll be updating tmr cause i'm doing a heritage tour in the afternoon with sheryl and a chalet with my national safari frens later in the night. till next time, take care.
dont forget to tag and gimme hugs and remember, ALI JOE LOVES YOU!

if you can spot me in this picture, i'll give you a little treat. good luck!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
hello public
omigosh!!! i'm like freaking addicted to Cascada.
its like techno. and that's like so ah beng. but heck la.
omigosh omigosh!!!
i've been blasting cascada non stop on my pc speakers and on my mp3.
today i decided to walk around town while meeting up a friend of mine who is also a teacher, Miss Charmaine Loh.

dont cha wish your teacher was as hot as her? hahaha!
well, we had pastamania and gelare, foodwise. beard papa's custard puffs, desert wise. and i had a popiah for dinner. all yummilicious!!!
i seriously need to start exercising. they always say that fat people are jolly people. well, i'm starting to turn jolly.
anyways, my intentions were to shop for a new wallet and a tote.
after combing the entire of orchard road or most of it, i achieved none. LOL. i did get myself a Zara top though. yes, again! omigosh!! i'm like wearing so much Zara. my closet is made up of Zara's. Zara should pay me cause i'm like their walking billboard. hahaha!!!
some Braun Buffel wallets and an Ashworth wallet did catch my eye but it werent perfect enough. hahaha!! truth is, i still cant seem to forget the Burberry wallet i checked out that day. but parting with the cash for that wallet is so HEART PAIN!!
must practice self control!!!!
cmon ali!!! gambatte!!!!
i so wanted to get this black and grey stripey cardigan from Topman. i saw the exact same one from Zara and it cost waaay more than the one at Topman which was only $59.90. but then their smallest size was like an L. and when i tried it on i looked like Nicole Richie wearing Oprah's clothes. hahaha. in other words, they look H.U.G.E on me. need to get smthing smaller and tighter. maybe a medium or possibly a small.
there's this shop in takashimaya basement called Cookie Man. and boy do their chocolates, brownies and cookies look yummy. so i bought a small square of their Rocky Road. which is like a square piece of marshmellow coated with cholates and nuts. looks fucking good can. cost me $4.30 somemore.
but one bite,... kaninabu pui pui pui!!! so stale!!! annd you know what's written on their packaging box?
"Fresh From The Oven Since 1958"
no wonder lah!!! they took it out of the oven since 1958 and left it there like that. no wonder taste like crap.
never again!!!
alright. thats it for now. and its getting a bit late. goodnight guys.
dun forget to tag or gimme a hug or smthing k. remember, ALI JOE LOVES YOU!

omigosh!!! i'm like freaking addicted to Cascada.
its like techno. and that's like so ah beng. but heck la.
omigosh omigosh!!!
i've been blasting cascada non stop on my pc speakers and on my mp3.
today i decided to walk around town while meeting up a friend of mine who is also a teacher, Miss Charmaine Loh.

dont cha wish your teacher was as hot as her? hahaha!
well, we had pastamania and gelare, foodwise. beard papa's custard puffs, desert wise. and i had a popiah for dinner. all yummilicious!!!
i seriously need to start exercising. they always say that fat people are jolly people. well, i'm starting to turn jolly.
anyways, my intentions were to shop for a new wallet and a tote.
after combing the entire of orchard road or most of it, i achieved none. LOL. i did get myself a Zara top though. yes, again! omigosh!! i'm like wearing so much Zara. my closet is made up of Zara's. Zara should pay me cause i'm like their walking billboard. hahaha!!!
some Braun Buffel wallets and an Ashworth wallet did catch my eye but it werent perfect enough. hahaha!! truth is, i still cant seem to forget the Burberry wallet i checked out that day. but parting with the cash for that wallet is so HEART PAIN!!
must practice self control!!!!
cmon ali!!! gambatte!!!!
i so wanted to get this black and grey stripey cardigan from Topman. i saw the exact same one from Zara and it cost waaay more than the one at Topman which was only $59.90. but then their smallest size was like an L. and when i tried it on i looked like Nicole Richie wearing Oprah's clothes. hahaha. in other words, they look H.U.G.E on me. need to get smthing smaller and tighter. maybe a medium or possibly a small.
there's this shop in takashimaya basement called Cookie Man. and boy do their chocolates, brownies and cookies look yummy. so i bought a small square of their Rocky Road. which is like a square piece of marshmellow coated with cholates and nuts. looks fucking good can. cost me $4.30 somemore.
but one bite,... kaninabu pui pui pui!!! so stale!!! annd you know what's written on their packaging box?
"Fresh From The Oven Since 1958"
no wonder lah!!! they took it out of the oven since 1958 and left it there like that. no wonder taste like crap.
never again!!!
alright. thats it for now. and its getting a bit late. goodnight guys.
dun forget to tag or gimme a hug or smthing k. remember, ALI JOE LOVES YOU!
Monday, September 11, 2006
hello public
i was just thinking. all this while i've been using nicknames for the people featured in my blog. my primary reason was for privacy purpose. this may come as a shock to some of you but there are quite a number of my friends who refused to be disclosed in my blog. i dont know whether they're just shy or probably just too embarassed to be seen hanging out with me. whatever it is, to each its own.
anyway, i do post pictures of the people i hang out with, so technically it doesnt make sense of why i should continue with this privacy practice. well then, as of now, i shall abolish with the nicknames, unless of course somebody prefers it.
back to my normal entries. a while back, i met up with some of my poly friends to celebrate charlene's birthday. we all met up in causeway point for lunch at pizza hut where i got to finally satisfy my craving for their cheesy bites pizza. i've been dying to savour this pizza ever since it came out a couple of weeks ago and boy was it yummy!!

we spent the day catching up with each other's life and also spent $20 on a neoprint machine. there was this really cool machine that had steps on it so we could like stand or sit or even make it look like we're flying. haha! i'm a sucker for neoprint machines. yeah yeah i know, neoprints are like so old school. but darlings, vintage is the new black.
anyways, anything or anybody else who takes my fotos is such a refreshing change. gimme a camera and i'll grace your vogue!
camwhores of world unite!
*rolls eyes and flips hair*
a friend told me i'm very blonde bimbotic. i beg to differ. well today i was watching mtv cribs on youtube. its like this show where they visit celebrity homes. and i caught a short snippet of when they visited mariah carey's 3 storey penthouse. and boy was it gorgeous! ever heard of a walk in wadrobe? well hers was like the size of a 3 room hdb flat.
anyways, there was this scene when she was in her bathroom.
(mariah walks to the showers)
"i've only like used this shower once in my life. its not like i dont like showers or anything but its just that it has too many knobs to figure out, yeah. so i prefer to use the tub"
omg!! that's like fucking bimbo can. but i so looove this woman. god bless mariah cause this hot tamale can definitely sing.
oh btw, i wanna give a shoutout to whoever started this youtube thingy. i've been hooked on it ever since i got my new computer. my old computer kinda was kinda slow so watching youtube was such a torture. but now, i'm an addict. i spent hours watching music videos and live performances from my favourite artistes. i love watching pussycat dolls' videos and performances. they're like waaaay hot and sexy!!
alright, you guys take care. this is it for now..
i was just thinking. all this while i've been using nicknames for the people featured in my blog. my primary reason was for privacy purpose. this may come as a shock to some of you but there are quite a number of my friends who refused to be disclosed in my blog. i dont know whether they're just shy or probably just too embarassed to be seen hanging out with me. whatever it is, to each its own.
anyway, i do post pictures of the people i hang out with, so technically it doesnt make sense of why i should continue with this privacy practice. well then, as of now, i shall abolish with the nicknames, unless of course somebody prefers it.
back to my normal entries. a while back, i met up with some of my poly friends to celebrate charlene's birthday. we all met up in causeway point for lunch at pizza hut where i got to finally satisfy my craving for their cheesy bites pizza. i've been dying to savour this pizza ever since it came out a couple of weeks ago and boy was it yummy!!

we spent the day catching up with each other's life and also spent $20 on a neoprint machine. there was this really cool machine that had steps on it so we could like stand or sit or even make it look like we're flying. haha! i'm a sucker for neoprint machines. yeah yeah i know, neoprints are like so old school. but darlings, vintage is the new black.
anyways, anything or anybody else who takes my fotos is such a refreshing change. gimme a camera and i'll grace your vogue!
camwhores of world unite!
*rolls eyes and flips hair*
a friend told me i'm very blonde bimbotic. i beg to differ. well today i was watching mtv cribs on youtube. its like this show where they visit celebrity homes. and i caught a short snippet of when they visited mariah carey's 3 storey penthouse. and boy was it gorgeous! ever heard of a walk in wadrobe? well hers was like the size of a 3 room hdb flat.
anyways, there was this scene when she was in her bathroom.
(mariah walks to the showers)
"i've only like used this shower once in my life. its not like i dont like showers or anything but its just that it has too many knobs to figure out, yeah. so i prefer to use the tub"
omg!! that's like fucking bimbo can. but i so looove this woman. god bless mariah cause this hot tamale can definitely sing.
oh btw, i wanna give a shoutout to whoever started this youtube thingy. i've been hooked on it ever since i got my new computer. my old computer kinda was kinda slow so watching youtube was such a torture. but now, i'm an addict. i spent hours watching music videos and live performances from my favourite artistes. i love watching pussycat dolls' videos and performances. they're like waaaay hot and sexy!!
alright, you guys take care. this is it for now..
Sunday, September 10, 2006
hello public
i'm so exhausted. the past few days has been a non stop party with so many late nights and early mornings. so many and too many. i've been drinking too many ribenas that i'm starting to piss a blackcurrant fountain.
i'm in such a dire need of detox right now. very well, the next few days will be my 'quiet' days.
stuff i wanna do:
* throw away all unused items in my room
* clean up my room
* rearrange my wardrobe
* visit the library
* watch a movie or/and vcds
* exercise (jog & skip)
* yoga & meditations
* body scrub and face mask
* drink tonnes of water
* blog more
i think this list should be about there. this coming week, there'll be a lot of meetups with other frens as well. a chalet is coming up and also my voation posting will be out by the end of this week. so exciting!
well, i shall leave u guys with a foto i took during a meetup with my bunkmates.

i'm so exhausted. the past few days has been a non stop party with so many late nights and early mornings. so many and too many. i've been drinking too many ribenas that i'm starting to piss a blackcurrant fountain.
i'm in such a dire need of detox right now. very well, the next few days will be my 'quiet' days.
stuff i wanna do:
* throw away all unused items in my room
* clean up my room
* rearrange my wardrobe
* visit the library
* watch a movie or/and vcds
* exercise (jog & skip)
* yoga & meditations
* body scrub and face mask
* drink tonnes of water
* blog more
i think this list should be about there. this coming week, there'll be a lot of meetups with other frens as well. a chalet is coming up and also my voation posting will be out by the end of this week. so exciting!
well, i shall leave u guys with a foto i took during a meetup with my bunkmates.

Friday, September 08, 2006
Of Neglect
hello public
even though i've POP-ed and am having a 2 weeks break right now, the past few days has been ultra busy days for me. life has been a never ending party and i haven been able to find time to update my little bloggie. i just woke up now and will be going out later till late. i'll try to squeeze in a proper update as soon as i can k. promise.
my viewership counter has been increasing in number but my tagboard has continued to stay stagnant. c'mon guys, dont be a lazy. just a simple hi or a comment regarding my entry can make me a happy boy. dont you wanna make me happy?
ps: to that cute guy who kept bugging me for my number yesterday night, i'm sorry gorgeous. i dont bat the other side. in fact, i dont bat either side. i'm asexual, meaning neither girls nor guys turn me on. i do get turned on by ice cream though. =P
even though i've POP-ed and am having a 2 weeks break right now, the past few days has been ultra busy days for me. life has been a never ending party and i haven been able to find time to update my little bloggie. i just woke up now and will be going out later till late. i'll try to squeeze in a proper update as soon as i can k. promise.
my viewership counter has been increasing in number but my tagboard has continued to stay stagnant. c'mon guys, dont be a lazy. just a simple hi or a comment regarding my entry can make me a happy boy. dont you wanna make me happy?
ps: to that cute guy who kept bugging me for my number yesterday night, i'm sorry gorgeous. i dont bat the other side. in fact, i dont bat either side. i'm asexual, meaning neither girls nor guys turn me on. i do get turned on by ice cream though. =P
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Of Being Happy Yet Sad
hello public
Happy Birthday Horsey!!!
may you be blessed with 5Cs.
# calorie-reduction
#cute bf (not that mr two-front-teeth isnt cute)
well, so you ask how is life after the Pass Out Parade(POP)? happy yet sad.
happy that the bad times has ended and sad that the good times ends here as well.
its getting late. i shall blog tmr instead. take care for now. auf wiedersehen.
Happy Birthday Horsey!!!
may you be blessed with 5Cs.
# calorie-reduction
#cute bf (not that mr two-front-teeth isnt cute)
well, so you ask how is life after the Pass Out Parade(POP)? happy yet sad.
happy that the bad times has ended and sad that the good times ends here as well.
its getting late. i shall blog tmr instead. take care for now. auf wiedersehen.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Of Believing In Yourself
hello public
I'm never gonna be good enough for you
I can't pretend that I'm alright
Cause we lost it all
And nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late
And we can't go back
All the days we spent
Now seem so far away
I try not to think about the pain I feel inside
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
well well, seems just like yesterday that it was 9th of June 2006. everytime i switch the telly or flip the papers, there were constant reminders of this glorious date. the whole world was awaiting except me. while that date meant the beginning of the world cup to many, it only meant the end of freedom to me.
now, slightly more than 3 months later, i, to a certain extent, cannot bear to part with what i dreaded earlier. these 3 months has definitely been the most memorable ones for me. from the ups to the downs, i pulled through.
these 3 months have suprised me a whole lot. i never could imagine that i would be capable of achieving the standards that i've achieved today. i never knew i was that strong. for the past 8 years, never once did i pass my 2.4km run in my napfa test. so many times i've failed and for so long i've given up the glimmer of hope of clinching the passing mark. but now i boast an 11minute timing. it may be nothing to many whom are in the ranks of the 9 minute runner but to me, it is definitely an outstanding feat. i started off with an 18 minute timing in my first test and now shook off 7minutes within 3 mths.
in the past week, i also accomplished something i never thought i would. i managed to complete my Standard Obstacle Course. its this place where u have to run a lot, get over a brick wall, jump over barb wires, climb a rope and balance alot on wooden poles. throughout the past 6 lesson, never once did i manage to complete the whole obstacle entirely. i'd either be stuck at the brick wall or the rope. furthermore, running with ur rifle and helmet are such a chore, especially when they are quite heavy.
i remembered what 2LT Hakim, an officer whom i have high admiration for, told me. ''i know you want this, i can see it in your eyes, never fear the obstacles, what does not kill you will only make you stronger, dont give up on yourself ali cause i will never give up on you''. seriously, that has been the most motivating thing i've heard. ever. period. so in the final test i gave it my all and completed every single obstacle with only one try.
another amzing feat that i accomplished this week would be my graduation march of 24km. imagine marching with a beyond heavy backpack, helmet, rifle for 8 hours. its unimagineable alone marching for 8 hours or marching a whole 24 kilometres in the jungle. its even worse for the fact that u have to do it carrying stuff on your body weighing ard 10kg. the whole thing started at 3pm and ended at 1130pm. i had no idea how i did it but i simply couldnt stop smiling when i completed the whole march. the result of my whole march, tonnes of blisters, buckets of sweat, kilos of aches and cramps and definitely, a sky of pride.
i am a soldier now.
and of course, i definitely couldnt have done it without the support and motivation of this people.

Raven Company Platoon 3 Section 4. having slept with these 12 other men for the past 3mth has definitely changed me for the better. and i thank you.
to the public, believe in yourself because i did and miracles happened.
I'm never gonna be good enough for you
I can't pretend that I'm alright
Cause we lost it all
And nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late
And we can't go back
All the days we spent
Now seem so far away
I try not to think about the pain I feel inside
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
well well, seems just like yesterday that it was 9th of June 2006. everytime i switch the telly or flip the papers, there were constant reminders of this glorious date. the whole world was awaiting except me. while that date meant the beginning of the world cup to many, it only meant the end of freedom to me.
now, slightly more than 3 months later, i, to a certain extent, cannot bear to part with what i dreaded earlier. these 3 months has definitely been the most memorable ones for me. from the ups to the downs, i pulled through.
these 3 months have suprised me a whole lot. i never could imagine that i would be capable of achieving the standards that i've achieved today. i never knew i was that strong. for the past 8 years, never once did i pass my 2.4km run in my napfa test. so many times i've failed and for so long i've given up the glimmer of hope of clinching the passing mark. but now i boast an 11minute timing. it may be nothing to many whom are in the ranks of the 9 minute runner but to me, it is definitely an outstanding feat. i started off with an 18 minute timing in my first test and now shook off 7minutes within 3 mths.
in the past week, i also accomplished something i never thought i would. i managed to complete my Standard Obstacle Course. its this place where u have to run a lot, get over a brick wall, jump over barb wires, climb a rope and balance alot on wooden poles. throughout the past 6 lesson, never once did i manage to complete the whole obstacle entirely. i'd either be stuck at the brick wall or the rope. furthermore, running with ur rifle and helmet are such a chore, especially when they are quite heavy.
i remembered what 2LT Hakim, an officer whom i have high admiration for, told me. ''i know you want this, i can see it in your eyes, never fear the obstacles, what does not kill you will only make you stronger, dont give up on yourself ali cause i will never give up on you''. seriously, that has been the most motivating thing i've heard. ever. period. so in the final test i gave it my all and completed every single obstacle with only one try.
another amzing feat that i accomplished this week would be my graduation march of 24km. imagine marching with a beyond heavy backpack, helmet, rifle for 8 hours. its unimagineable alone marching for 8 hours or marching a whole 24 kilometres in the jungle. its even worse for the fact that u have to do it carrying stuff on your body weighing ard 10kg. the whole thing started at 3pm and ended at 1130pm. i had no idea how i did it but i simply couldnt stop smiling when i completed the whole march. the result of my whole march, tonnes of blisters, buckets of sweat, kilos of aches and cramps and definitely, a sky of pride.
i am a soldier now.
and of course, i definitely couldnt have done it without the support and motivation of this people.

Raven Company Platoon 3 Section 4. having slept with these 12 other men for the past 3mth has definitely changed me for the better. and i thank you.
to the public, believe in yourself because i did and miracles happened.
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