firstly, jus wanna wish all the Muslim people out there a Happy Fasting Month.
fasting is not all about abstaining from food and drinks. it is also about abstaining from all negativity and discipling your desires. its like a purification process. in this month, everyone is encouraged to do as much good as they can.
its hard enough to abstain from food and drinks on a normal day basis. its worst that this time round, fasting month falls during my Guards training process. i have no idea how i'm gonna be able to go through the trainings and all the fast marches.
i'm going to try my best, for my faith and my personal sense of achievement.
back to normal blogging stuff.
last sunday, i met up with maddie to go to army market. so i took a cab from my house where the uncle was like travelling at 65km/h. i told him i wanted to go to golden mile food centre which is the proper name for the army market. and for 3 quarters of the way he thought i was a Thai. unless he associates Thais with Mtv VJ Utt, then i donno where else the resemblance arise.

so i bought the stuff i needed for national safari. saw kwang yong and chatted for a while. found out that he's going to Sispec. then while walking around the market, saw Hidz, a very old fren whom i've lost touch with and met again online(long story). then, had a few small bites later at the foodplace and walked our way back to bugis junction. made our way back later cause maddie had to attend a colleague's baby shower and i had a family gathering later on.
met up with my neighbour Fara for a little walkabout town. she needed to get a beach hat and with the help of yours truly, she found a gorgeous one from Takashimaya.
i swear ppl should start paying me for providing fashion advice. lol!

so we walked around for a bit and i saw this gorgeous batik print cap that was in gold. i simply had to get it. haha. and of course i did.
walked around for a while more and we parted later on cause i was gonna meet up with some other frens for dinner.
there was suppose to be a tekong bunkmate dinner outing but then like so many cant make it for god knows why. in the end, out of 13 people, only 3 made it. andrew, wilson and me.

so firstly, we went for dinner at the ship. i had the lobster with rib eye steak. ABSOLUTELY yummy! i love this place which has really great ambience and food. so we sat down and chatted bout our respective lives in our different units.
its only been one week that i've been in my new unit but i'm missing tekong so much!! i miss all my bunkmates too!!! and my platoonmates too!!! i miss bmt!!!!
so saddening. bmt life was so much fun. its like only 3 mths with all this guys that i've never met before and once we've gotten really close, its time to part. nothing last forever. but then, we can always meet up.

i miss sitting at the table in the middle of the bunk to play daidee. miss listening to songs on kangming's speakers. miss having a water cooler and hot water readily available. i miss my bunk, my bed. i miss taking the ferry. i miss the fantastic view from my room. and soo many more!!!
well, maybe thats because i haven fully adapt to my new unit life. but my platoon mates are a bunch of fun and funny people. and the food from the cookhouse is scrumptious. well at least there is a faint sight of silver lining amidst these dark clouds.
anyway, so we just walk around later in town. andrew wanted to get bubble tea from takashimaya and there was where i saw my eye candy. this eye candy of mine was from sp doing media and communication. i kept seeing her around in campus and thought that she was quite cute. hahaha. now, she's working at that bubble tea place. haha. nice. hahaha. still pretty!
nothing to do, we sat down and did lame things with camera trick. like this....

since someone was getting tired, namely my sexy johnson. hahaha, we decided to make our way home.
great day. great company.
oh yeah.
i was really bored. so i googled 'REALITEE' and guess wad?? i'm on page 2. hahahaha!!!

i'm almost there reaching stardom!!!
cmon ppl!!! make me famous!! spread the joy of realitee to all your frens!!! each and every one of you!!!
trust me, i wont forget you guys when i'm waaaaaaaaay popular than that xiaxue.
xiaxue who? lol.
alright thats it for now. dont forget to tag in my tagboards or gimmer hugs k.
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