i've found myself a theme song according to sharif(previously known as Barney). its called Turn You On by Paris Hilton. give it a listen aight.
a little sample of the lyrics if you're wondering why.
''Everybody's looking at me
But it's alright I like attention
The clubs not hot until I walk through
They stop and stare and watch me move
Like damn I like that
I'm sexy and you know it
Clap your hands
Girls and boys are looking at me
I can't blame them 'cause I'm sexy
Don't care who's watching me
I do just what I want''
hahaha. whatever.
a little update bout my life this week.
there's nothing much to talk about regarding life in National Safari. yeah sure there's a lot of shit thats been happening but i dont wanna think about them. its over and done and thank god i'm still alive. sometimes i underestimate myself and i'm definitely suprised at the feat i can accomplish.
now lets move on to the weekends which are like the only thing i've been looking forward to lately.
had an early release from camp this week due to our good performance in this overly strenuous week. our officer was happy and let us off on a late thursday night instead of a friday's.
too tired to go out on thursday night so i slept my way through till the next day's afternoon. met up with my fag hags, namely, sheryl, jiafang and cecilia that evening for a litlle get together. we planned to watch 'john tucker must die', a show that i've been yearning to catch. checked online and there was an 845pm show for cineleisure. but when we reached the booking booth, there wasnt a slot for an 845 show. instead the next slot would have been a 1045pm one. and that was definitely way past my bedtime.
so we erased the idea of watching that movie and decided that once the vcd comes out, we'd go to sheryl's house and watch it.
anyways, so we had to reshuffle plans. decided instead to have dinner to celebrate these girls' birthday which spans out a few weeks back. our schedules kept clashing and it made it impossible to celebrate the birthdays individually. so we had a collective one.
i suggested The Ship (yes, again!) and we braved the highly polluted hazy atmosphere to get there. the food was good and the company was great. i managed to suprise the girls with a little present for their birthday. it was a simple collage of fotos of us together.
i'm quite a sweet & romantic guy you know. its just that you dont know it. muahahahaha!!!
note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY girls!!! i love you guys cause you make me happy and make me laugh so much till i snort out laksa from my nose. >.<'''!!! note: happy mid autumn festival!!! ***

the next day(saturday), decided to meet up with sharif (barney) for a little retail therapy. i saw a gorgeous black knit cardigan from Garcon in Heeren. and most of my friends know that i'm been yearning for the perfect cardigan since forever. i've been yearning for it more than sex. and now that i've chanced upon the perfect one that fits me to a T, i straight away whip out my Master. ka-ching!!
while strutting down heeren, i met a good secondary school fren of mine, Darius Drew. omigosh!!! its been so long!! had a little nice chat with him and exchanged contacts. i suggested a foto together and told him to check out later my blog for it.
and so i said, "check out my blog for the foto k. do you know whats my webpage?''
and then he said, '' of course i do! who doesnt?! its realitee.blogspot.com''
weeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! you dont know how much those words made my day. hahaha!!! spread the joy of realitee guys!!! make me a happy boy!
anyways, so i continued with my shopping and bought myself a gorgeous minty green v-neck. loves it.
had a sushi buffet where i gorge on so much that i feel so bloated. but damn was it goooood!

had a gathering that night with my bunkmates of tekong. andrew did this really cool movie of our life in tekong. this is what happens when you have too much time on your hands. damn, i would sell myself on ebay to be in his position. as in his unit vocation not some other kind of positions.
''i have a mission. does that make me a missionary? then, lets do it my style.''
so we chatted and caught up with each other's new unit life. it was a nice gathering.
and it was gim kiat birthday!!! so we bought him a tiramisu cake. hahaha.

of course there were other stuff happenning during this long weekend of mine but then, my personal life is private.
thats it for this time round. everyone lets come together and pray that the haze goes away. its giving me a really bad sore throat and i sense a pimple coming.
to all my readers, dont forget to leave comments or just say hi to me in my tagboard. also, be nice and gimme hugs on my hug machine if you really like me and like what you read.
dont forget to spread the joy of REALITEE. tell all your friends!!!!
i love ya and appreciate ya.
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