fate is such a funny thing.
obviously, The Man up there has had enough of my whining and decided to pacify me a little. in the lust department.
fuck sleep, i can spend the entire night awake just by being next to you.
jesus, i'm such a slut.
met up with sharif over the weekend for a late lunch cum early dinner at seoul garden marina square. singapore fashion festival is on and caught abit of the runway show at marina.
wouldnt it be nice to be a runway model. you get to try on clothes, preened to perfection and all you have to do is walk with a stoned or blur expression. and the best thing is everybody take fotos of you. such an easy way to make money.
made our way to the Mosaic festival at esplanade later on. was expecting some really exciting performances at the outdoor stage but was terribly let down by a band croaking out funeral music.
well that was about it for the day. thought of doing a little camwhoring but i no longer have the mood. but we did manage to snap a trinket of fotos to satisfy our deep deep desire of camwhoring.
made our way home later on the crowded night train. i hate crowded trains. i hate more the fact that everybody is so close to each other. i was so close to this middle age woman in front me that i could have grind her just by thrusting my hips slightly forward. but of course, sanity prevented me so. this of course was not a club and neither was the lady fiona xie.
let me end todays entry with a foto of myself. just in case you forgot how i look like.

orlando bloom is a nice adjective if you were looking one for me.
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