after all these entries about my friend's birthday parties, finally its my turn to blog about mine. and no i'm not gonna be blogging about my hoity toity retro disco soiree just yet. this entry is gonna be about a more intimate celebration.
to me it has always been more important to celebrate my birthdays with smaller groups of friends. it creates a sense of intimacy and its more personal with everyone who's there. but this year though, with it being the big 21 (i still cant believe i'm an adult), a slightly rah rah celebration wouldnt hurt.
since i've already had a huge ass celebration with my entire family the day before, i had my actual birthday to celebrate it with the one i love. but apparently neither karl lagerfeld or marc jacobs were free, so i was stuck with these 3.

of course, not that i'm complaining.
so they decided to create this little surprise for me by not telling me where we were going. the thing about me is that as much as i love planning surprises for people, i hate receiving them. i just dont know how to react to a surprise. and what the hell are you suppose to wear to a surprise? what if i overdressed or was terrible underdressed for the occasion?
anyways, it was so top secret that cecilia had to meet me at ang mo kio and bring me there while the rest of the girls, i presume were already there.

and when i reached clark quay, the first thing that pop my mind was a celebration at some bar or club, especially with girls knowing my penchant for alcohol. but then, i was greeted by flashing lights from their cameras. and they didnt seem dressed for a club especially jiafang who seems to have a strong dislike for clubs.
then they brought me to this really lovely place at Central called The Manhattan Fish Market. its like fish&co but way better. we had this seafood platter which tasted waaaay nicer than fish&co's.

then they presented me with this really cool 'birthday card' which was suppose to look like a school project. i really appreciate all the hard work that went into this and all those meaningful words and pictures inside. =D

and they they tried to scare me with a fake birthday cake from O-M-Ghastly polar cafe.

notice the WTF look mixed with a forced smile (see above). i dont even look remotely happy in the group pic with the fake cake (see below).

but then thank god they brought out the actual cake. its a caramel cake (i love caramel!!!) and from my favourite cake shop, Rive Gauche (Yippie!!). i knew my friends love me.

notice i actually look happier now. i'm like so easy to please.

the only thing going through my mind now is ''cake ! cake! cake!''

the only thing going through my mind now is ''please dont let the candles burn my shu uemura eyelashes!!!''

i've got to be the luckiest guy on the planet.

and then came my eternal inability to cut a cake properly. can you believe it been 21 yrs and i still have problem with the cake cutting?! tsk tsk.
after dinner, it was really nice to just take a leisurely stroll along the singapore river.

clarke quay looks really beautiful at night =)
of course wad outing would it be without the usual camwhoring.

before we didnt know each other. after, we were inseparable.

my drunk one night stand.

the one night stand who kept checking out my ass. LOL!

jiafang's ambition. (we made her pose outside this place that she had no idea what it is. lol.)

making a fool of myself outside MOS.
you know how everyone loves candid shots. i hate them. everyone usually turns out retarded. proof as follows.

and we made random passerbys take pictures of our retarded antics.

and to top the fruitcake...

lets not forget one final group pic for the night.

yeah, a really wonderful 21st birthday it was. i really love these girls, they make me feel like i wasnt the only child, its like i have 3 younger sisters, although technically they're older than me.
and lets promise we stay friends forever k? until our shadows fade away.

thats it for this entry. y'all take care.
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