after ransacking my entire room , i finally found the wire thingy that transfers pictures from my nokia to the computer. and now, i've got like random old pictures since christmas lying around. so i'm just gonna compile most and pass it off as an entry.
my entries are getting just a little bit backdated so i need to post all the 'too-old-it-moulds' fotos pronto. here goes.
ever since i came back from thailand, it was all busy busy with cramming all the Christmas sales and end of year sales and also meet ups with frens.

i know these two pictures look kinda the same. its not my fault that i have only one look on my face. anyway, this was with kenneth where we decided to hit town to check out the christmas lights. this year's decor was not bad. they used The Nutcracker as the theme.
how can anybody come up with a christmas story call 'The Nutcracker' anyway. it just sounds bad. sounds like a psychotic killer who smashes testicles as a hobby.
then came the following day where i had to attend wei liat's 21st birthday at costa sands. and guess what? i got fucking lost.
does anybody even know that there's 2 kinds of costa sands.
one is the bright and cheery one near the wild wild wet which i had to pay $1 to get in to. and i didnt have coins. there were machine there though that changed notes into coins and lucky for me the smallest note i had was a $10. so there i was making my way to barbeque area with nine $1 coins jiggling in my pocket.
and guess what, it was the wrong costa sands. BLOODY HELL!
so after calling wei liat and him giving us step by step directions to the other costa sands, i finally made it pass the 'ulu' park into the other costa sands.

the parents were really nice and all making sure we had more than enough food to eat. and so i passed him the present and we had to go off cause i dint wanna miss the last bus. but the thought of the 1hr journey home just made me went to the roadside and flip my hand out and shout TAXI!!
and then the next day, told you it was busy busy, had a luncheon with the tekong mates over at new york new york at citylink.

it so hard to actually conduct a meet up with everyone being free. but its not the size of the crowd, its the company you're with that matters. so we (nicholas, andrew, me & wilson) just updated each other regarding our current life as we countdown to our ORD. which is like ard 3 mths away!!!!
and a couple of days before we usher in 2008. i met up with the TLLM gang minus cecilia, cause she had to work.

so who do you think wins 'act cute' of the year award?
and if you think this is bad, wait till you see this...

camwhorism. have you converted?

i love the paragon christmas tree the most. it was draped in pearls and all-white ornaments. very glamour chic. and have you guys notice, taka have the same christmas tree with the same decor, year in and out. its like they manage to find a warehouse somewhere where they slot this chritmas tree for 11months and just slide it back into place during december.

if only the cows received $1 for every person who sits on it for a picture. we actually had to wait in line to look like retards sitting on a milk carton mascot.

so this is how it felt to be in between someone's groin.

we kept prompting every other passerbys to take a foto for us just because we preferred group shots. the word shame has just vanished from pages of my oxford dictionary.

dear santa, all i want for christmas is Gucci.

and if i cant get it, i'll just rob Prada.

and we'll run away with all the crocodile skin tote bags and along the way, look out for cops just in case.

i think christmas has become just an overly commercialise festivity. but we're loving it still cause of all the discounts and sales!! and free gift wrap!!!!

so on our way back, i came across this huge ass pic of god knows who at the underpass of Tangs. and the girls thought that it would be fun to take a foto there. and so i stood in front of the maddening crowd rushing for the last train while they took a foto of me touching his sexy nipples. LOL!

and here i am trying to poke jay chou's eye and nose. i dont see wad's the appeal of an average looking guy who mumbles.

but thats alright. make love not war. so lemme give jay a kiss. jiafang's obviously not into this guy on guy action.

sometimes, all we want is just our privacy. we're actually shy people at heart. *coughs*
and so to clear the rumours, we issued a statement.
"all allegations saying that we had stolen the canvas monogram messenger bags from prada were not true. canvas is so beneath us. we'd never be caught in palais renaissance carrying those canvas bags made for the middle income. we only carry crocodile, snakeskin, leather, or ostrich skin.
and regarding the fotos circulating wildly on the net. all 47 fotos of me engaging in fellatio (oral sex) are fake. the short, pink tip uncut phallus does not belong to me. and the one seen gingerly nibling on it is not my friend here(jiafang). she(jiafang) does not go by the moniker. Bobo. and who the fuck names their children Bobo anyway.
i apologise for any hurt caused towards the people affected. and as an apology i hearby present gillian and cecilia with gift vouchers to The Brazillian Wax Shop and a battery operated shaver for when those nasty bushes make a comeback''
and as the world awaits the much anticipated video and more picture leaks, here i am ending this entry by welcoming the new year with a birthday cake for my dad who is a new year baby.

my dad isnt a fan of those overly creamy cakes, so i got him a nice traditional pandan kaya cake from begawan solo. still yummy but the cake could do away with the tacky pink roses.
and for god sake, isnt it time somebody invented nicer looking candles.
okay. thats it then. till my next entry. y'all take care and spread the joy of to all your frens!!!!
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