Why Local Fashion Suck
Thailand Trip
so i was home yesterday in time to catch Fashion Rocks 2007 on channel 5. a little info on fashion rocks. its like a charity ball for the really 'atas' people where they intertwine fashion with music. and most of you should know how much i j'adore fashion. i can tell frida giannini, john galliano and karl lagerfeld apart more than i can the difference between zidane and ronaldhino. yes yes, i know i'm not your typical guy who only wears football jerseys, soccer shoes or has a PSP stuck to me like a siamese twin.
whatever. anyway, the show, fashion rocks, started off with a stellar runway of donatella's with beautiful dresses in spring hues. an extremely good selection versaces to start the show off. the rest of the show was good but nothing to blow me off my feet until the collection headed by a pair of my favouritest designers whose bold yet feminine dresses never fails to keep your eye glued to the runway. domenico dolce and stefano gabbana's collection was filled with everything that sparkles and those gold corsets were just spectacular. and when naomi walked for D&G the whole hall was all applause.
and to end the show was the man whose creations has mesmerised the world for half a century. mr valentino. 2 words for his collection, stunningly glamorous.
so after the whole show, i went to my room and while waiting for some pictures to be uploaded, i flipped through a copy of Juice. i love this magazine as it features mostly local talents but namely because its free. anyway, while flipping through the section on fashion, it dawned on me why most of singaporean fashion designers do not seem to make it big.
the whole lot of designs i've been seeing strewn out by our local talents are, to be polite, a bunch of crap. some dresses that i saw in straits times recently looked like china women wearing oversized potato sacks. and from the magazines, what i've been seeing is just a bunch of ridiculous haute couture wannabes whose designers deserve a tight slap on the face by anna wintour, editor-in-chief of vogue.
the problem i think with our local talents, and i'm using the word talent here with much cynicism, is that they try so very much to be arty farty and to create a certain uniqueness to their line that they steer unfortunately 9millions miles away from the most important factor, which is to make the wearer feel beautiful.
i mean i would pay and wear for something that makes me look good and not something ridiculous that was made purely for the sake of satisfying the designers inane fantasy. clothes are meant to accentuate beauty and not the other way round.
and so, if our local designers, notice i'm no longer using the word 'talents', are not able to create clothes that compliment, they can jolly well bugger off into the deep realms of fashion suicide.
and for the good lord's sake stop using the 'fashion to me is like art' excuse. you're just smearing shit on the face of leonardo davinci.
thankyouverymuch. i would like to emphasise though that i wasnt lambasting the entire local fashion industry. i still believe that there is a possible glimmer of hope. but i guess its just a glimmer and probably the torchlight needs a new change of batteries.
well then, there goes all hopes of me getting invited to any local fashion events.
anyways, remember recently my trip to thailand. well here i have the fotos, and due to security reasons no pictures regarding training will be published. what you all are about to see is the journey of a bunch of guys in foreign land.

on the way to our plane at changi airport. thank god we're taking SIA, i can just drool looking at stewardesses.

after the 2 hour plane journey comes the 6hour bus ride. -______-'''

out for a pee break in the middle of the journey. can you believe that it was colder outside than it was in the air con bus. brrr... so i rushed back in to watch Lord of the rings on the bus tv where frodo was speaking in thai. bleah.

notice how much they love me. come on and gimme a kiss. lol.

the view. breathtaking.

was trying to channel the late Yaseer Arafat, but it turned out more Top Model. muaahahaha! tyra will be proud. =)

when boredom overcomes.

the new boyband. CamoBoys.

campfire in the middle of the 15 degrees celcius night.

day and night.

the last day.

with the whole group.

with our new custom-made polo tees.

final night dinner. the food was good but the entertainment was just a bunch of thai girls singing thai songs with terrible unsyncronised dancing.

went to the safari for the recreational tour. the zebras look like a pony with stripes.

cute bunnies.

try as you may, but no way in hell am i touching something that could gnaw hard biscuits that easily.

then we took a 2hour bus ride to the floating market.

was expecting like a flowing river where people sold stuff on sampans. but it looked like one of those big drains in singapore and the only thing they sold were souvenirs. the food there was nice though.

then we went to a snake farm with a really interesting snake show. did you know snakes have 2 dicks? sadly though they cant masturbate cause they got no hands. LOL.
well, thats it for my trip to the land of smiles. overall i had quite a good time.

korp khun mahk thailand!!!
that means thank you by the way.
alright, till next time. y'all take care. and happy chinese new year!!!
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