most of my friends should know about love affair with food. as i'm typing this entry right now, my spoon is dug deep into the tub of ben & jerrys strawberry cheesecake ice cream sitting next to me.
but sometimes my guilty conscience does pop up to haunt me. so i'll make myself feel better by forgoing the whipped cream on my venti green tea frap.
see, destitute sacrifices that i have to make just to maintain my voluptuous (in all the wrong places) figure.
one thing that i can never get sick of though is Subway. i can like totally eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

"6 inch honey oat, turkey breast with cheese, toasted, lettuce, tomatoes and olives, with sweet onion and honey mustard with a little sprinkle of black pepper. cut into 4 pieces."

i heart Subway.
another of my guilty pleasures is shopping at the food department of marks & spencer. i can just linger at the food department for hours drooling over everything. going thru every single packets of cookies and chocolates and imagining how great it would taste in my mouth.
i know. i'm kinda psycho.
this one time at marks & spencer, that i went out of control and my bill came up to almost $90. shocked as i was as i produced out my visa, i couldnt stop grinning at the thought of eating all those yummy goodies later.

one thing i really love is their triple chocolate crunch cereal. the first time i brought a spoonful of it into my mouth at breakfast, i swore that i would never return back to nestle. now, every sunday mornings as i watch cartoons, triple chocolate crunch is my best friend.

their chocolate coated digestive is also to die for. it taste like kit kat that was made in heaven.
mmm, time for a raspberry puff break.
a received a major shocking news 2 of days before valentines day. sheryl message me saying that jiafang was pregnant!!! i was like WTF!!!. i know she and her bf has been together for quite a while but hasnt he heard of a condom or even the withdrawal method. they're like way too young to have a baby.
this gang of girls always thought that i'd be the first one to get married and have kids. yes, me, the commitment phobic. but now see, jiafang's pregnant instead.
so sheryl told me that they wanted to conference call that night. so there i was on the weekday, sitting in my bunk watching this magic show on channel 5. you know those magic tricks where u put your finger on the screen and they try to figure the card u pick.
yeah, i was in the midst of it when i received a phonecall from the guardhouse, saying that 2 guys were looking for me at the entrance of my camp. i thought it was just my bunkmates whom i asked to help me buy 8 days.
but when i reach the gates, guess who i saw?!?!

two guys my ass. jiafang didnt look pregnant at all, her stomach was like flatter than a sony plasma. these girls cheated my feelings and to think the guardhouse people played along. righteous soldiers my ass. everyone lied to me and for what?!?!
for a valentines day suprise!!!!!
i am so happy la for the suprise but you guys are like so going to hell. this is not the first time you all cheated me okay.

as they started to whip out their digicams, i was like thinking wth!!!, my hair's not done, i didnt have any moisturiser and i'm only dressed in my admin tshirt, shorts and sandals.
but nevertheless, i accompanied them for supper at the food court nearby my camp.

and i thought that valentines this year was gonna bad. thank god for this glimmer of hope.
we chatted and they showed me pictures of wad they did in the day.

make a guess who they love?

they love ME!!!!
and since i wasnt at the beach that day with them..

they drew a footprint to represent me.
okay, altogether now,

i love my TLLM gang!!

me with my valentines day presents.
oh what i a damn lucky man i am.
alright, i hope your valentines was a good one. i'm not into this whole valentines day shit as i feel that its all just another marketing ploy. a day where boyfriends are forced to pay 5 times the original price for flowers just to prove to affection for the one they love. valentines day is not just a day for lovers but also a day for people you love, like your friends and family. and even though i hate the whole shit where businesses take advantage of this meaningful occasion, i'm glad that such a day exist. because humans are forgetful creatures, and we need reminders like this to remember to always cherish the people we love.
till my next entry. y'all take care.
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