its finally the weekend of a chaotically hectic week. due to a new batch of enlistees, the whole of bedok camp is now back to life. days of lazing around watching dvds while chomping on ben & jerrys (yes, in camp) are so over. thankfully they didnt make us stay back for the much dreaded 2 weeks confinement.
on saturday, met up with a poly classmate of mine who i havent seen for really long, winnie. with her busy work and part time degree schedule, it was almost impossible to fix a date to meet up. but alas we did.
we scheduled for lunch at Spageddies marina square.
shared escargots for appetiser which i ate most of since winnie wasnt too fond of the french snails.

for the main course, winnie had the seafood baked rice while i had lasagna. the lasagna here is different cause instead of the pasta being filled with beef, its actually filled with ricotta cheese and meat sauce is poured over it. it was nice but i wasnt really a big fan of it though.

spageddies marina square is quite a nice cosy quiet place for lunch and catching up with frens. good ambience.
after lunch we decide to catch the much talk about local english movie. the thing i dont understand is why has an english speaking country like singapore been churning out rubbish chinese films made by a certain director rather than quality english film which i definitely believe we're capable of.
so before i caught this movie, i read a few reviews on it. the highest compliment being a 2 star out of 5 was how bad this movie was portrayed to be. but i still wanna catch it for 2 reasons. wong li lin and there wasnt any nicer movies out.

not expecting a blockbuster hit, i was shock to see the cinema full, even up to the first row. and by end of the movie, guess wad? there was even applause from the audience. i actually thought it was quite good.
of course, you dont raise your hopes, you dont expect an oscar nominee and you dont pay $9.50 just to critique the movie for being local citing singapore is capable of being better. i'm saying that the show was good. i liked it, alot in fact. it was quite touching. so much that my friend, winnie walked out of the cinema with puffy eyes and a red nose.
i give it a 3 out of 5 stars. and i recommend it to those who arent so uptight and snooty about what they watch. the leap years is a definite must watch.=)
since winnie had to leave after the movie to have dinner with her family i decided to call one of my ex bunkmates to see whether he's free for dinner. and lucky me, he was.

danny just got off work, so i waited for a while and met him at raffles city for sushi tei. only god knows how much i love sushi tei.

i had the really yummy seafood salad with sushi tei dressing which was good to the last bite. i didnt really expect the salad to be that good mind you.

danny had the dragon roll which is kinda like the phoenix roll i always order. and trust me, they're really good. i dont mind waiting 20mins for one.

we ordered a few more random items until i felt too bloated even for a small piece of tempura.

whew!! there goes the diet. but sushi is supposed to be quite healthy right?

after that we hang around for abit at raffles city before deciding to call it a night.

i love the bright lights at the back of me. so pretty right? too bad i had to spoil the whole picture with my retard pose. i seriously need to go back to my big black book of camwhoring 101.

well, it was a good weekend. nice to catch up with friends and just while the time away. i do have to cut down on the spending though. this month's expenditure has tripled the amt of last month. and when the bills for the masters come in at the end of this month, daddy aint gonna be very happy with me.
okay ali's broke again.
damn. now, i got no money to buy my $94 lancome eye cream. you tell me how to face the world like that.
wheres my wayfarers sunglass?! the eyes need hiding till i get my pay and allowance next month. -_____-'''
till next time, y'all take care. thanks for reading and dont forget to tell all your friends about it!!!
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