i've had it with facebook!
its just all too confusing for me. there's all these applications everywhere and i donno where to click. i logged in like a couple of minutes ago and there's like 384 invitations pending. i clicked on the link and it practically took me 13 scrolls to see the whole of the invitations list.
bloody hell.
so to whoever that has me in facebook and i dont seem to reply or anything, dont take it the wrong way, i'm just a facebook-dumbass.
i'm such a tecno-retard. everybody thinks that since i have a blog i am automatically Bill Gates. they think i have knowledge of html and can operate photoshop proficiently.
heck, i cant even create tables in microsoft excel. and when something seems to go wrong with my computer, my only remedy is switching it off and on again. and if that doesnt work, i take out my windows xp cd and reinstall the computer.
this one time my keyboard wasnt working, and so i kept restarting the computer wishing that it'll all be fine when it starts back up. but after 7 times and it still didnt, i relented and gave a call to my vast numbers of IT geek friends (thank god for them).
and you know what the problem really was, the wire connecting my keyboard to the cpu thingy was unplugged. and since there were so many holes to plug it in to. i mms (took me quite a while too to figure out how to use this) a picture of the back of my cpu to my friend so that he can tell me which hole the wire should be plugged into.
took a day off from camp on friday so that i could enjoy a long weekend. my initial plan was to bake blueberry cupcakes and serve them piping hot with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. but since i ran out of the cups for my cupcakes, initial plan had to be aborted.
instead, met up with Azlin for dinner. after much contemplation, we settled on Thai Express at paragon.

do you guys always have this problem when you go out with your friends? its like you can never easily settle on a place to eat. its like one person doesnt want japanese and then another person feels like having pasta but not from pastamania and then like one person is always like 'anything, anything lor' and when you suggest a place, they go 'my friend say there not nice, but i anything one'.
and so you end up spending precious minutes contemplating on a place to eat and when you've finally settled on a spot, there's like a motherfucking long queue. so you have to queue for 30 minutes before you can get your seats. and by the time you wait for service and make your order, you have to wait for another 45 years for the food to arrive. and by the time the food is on the table, you're as hungry as an african kid.
it's felt a decade since i last met up with my classmates from SP. everyone's really busy with school and work and the only time we meet up is during somebody's birthday. but since, joy was leaving back for australia, we decided to meet up for a 'somewhat' farewell gathering.

met up earlier with maddie and yasi for dinner at sushi tei paragon. there was as usual a snaking queue and when we left our contacts, they told us that we probably had to wait for 40minutes. and guess what, exactly 40minutes, they gave us a call saying that they had a table ready.
talk about being punctual.
met up with the rest later at starbucks liat tower where we chatted, camwhored and DS-ed till late. it was nice catching up.

top: nadia, kath, maddie
middle: joy, yasi, maddie (again)
bottom: me, angela, wee kian

random pictures.

the DS mario kart marathon. and since we had nintendogs, our dogs could play with each other. how cool is that, i love my nintendo ds.

group pictures!!!

me with joy. i miss miffy!! LOL!

on our way home to the mrt. the camwhoring just never ends!!
well, thats it for this entry, some of you have been experiencing some problems with my blog. like slow loading, entries going missing and stuff. most of it came from users of Internet Explorer. well personally i use Mozilla Firefox (its like internet explorer but better) and none of the problems occur to me. so for your viewing pleasure, i suggest you all go download firefox. its so much better and guys, what i heard was that it can't track your porn records.
till my next entry, thank for reading www.realitee.blogspot.com. do continue reading and dont forget to spread the joy of realitee to all your friends!
till then, y'all take care.
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