Saturday, March 29, 2008

hello public

i've been a really busy bee this week. got so many tasks assigned to me by my boss,Mr S4. also not forgetting with my never ending guard duty, one on good friday, on thursday and another one tmr. but hey, i guess busy makes my weeks to ORD even faster yeah.

so this week's entry is not gonna be a pictorial one. i aint got ample time to blog cause i need to leave back for camp tonight. ultra sucky.

but at least i managed to complete my goal for this week, which is to sign up for SIM. amidst all the hectics of the week, my boss kindly allowed me early dismissal on friday to submit my application for my degree. since i got all my documents ready except for the passport size photo, i had to make my way to a foto booth somewhere in lavender. now, the only reason why i take any of my passport fotos here is because they're like the only foto shop in singapore that does photoshop to your pic before printing it.

so i got my my dark circles lightened, my pimples removed and a clearer and brighter complexion. isnt that just lovely. ever since i discovered this outlet, i swore never to go back to any other shops again to take my passport fotos.

and so i went all the way to clementi for the registration, had to like wait for an hour cause there was a long queue of people whom were mostly applying for banking and finance or accounting. well, whatever it is, hopefully i get in.

i cant wait to meet more new people and get that damn degree. which IMHO is damn necessary in singapore. can you imagine with our standard of living, in 10 years time, probably all the road sweepers and toilet cleaners have to be at least a diploma holder.

whatever it is, my uni fees are gonna cost my parents a bomb. and this means that i need to get a part time job soon to support myself. anyone out there has any job opportunities for me??

well anyway, let me tell u guys this ridiculous thing that happen to me this week.

well, this one time i was at the traffic light waiting to cross to the train station, there was this blind indian lady waiting to cross. and it suddenly occurred to me, how on earth would she know when the lights turn green? this traffic light is not like those that makes that irritating beeping noise when the green man is on.

and so me being a nice guy, ahem, and modest at the same time, ahem, decided to lend a helping hand. that and the fact that i was the only one on her side of the road and the other side was all filled with people staring at us. so i had to be nice.

so i approached her and said hi, and asked whether i could help her get across. she seemed really pleased about it. and then the lights turn green.

now, in our asian culture, it wouldnt be nice for a random guy to be holding some random woman's hand. and since she was older, i didnt wanna seem disrespectful. so guess what the fuck i did?!?!
i held on to her stick (the white cane blind people use) and like dragged her along. then she was like really startled, she stop and they was like this awkard 3 seconds of stillness. i bet from the other side, people would have thought i was trying to steal her cane away.


then she pulled her can back and held out her hand, which by now, from the other side, looked like she was gonna smack me for trying to steal her cane. so i held on to her hand and led her across. which by then i've already gotten quite a number of weird stares from the people around me.

and we reach across, i swear i saw a little smirk when she said thank you.


well, that ads to my list of not to do anymore. dont give up seats to pregnant ladies (cause they might just be fat). dont smile at random people (cause they might be laughing at that gummy bear stuck on your shirt) and the most recent one dont help blind people (cause people might think i'm trying to steal her cane).

i'm like so retarded, its not even funny.

thanks god. thanks SO MUCH.

well, thats it for this week. y'all take care.


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