hello public,
its now 12.30am. my Services Marketing paper will be on later today at 6pm. and i've yet to study 2 more chapters. i have two full days to study but i spend the entire of yesterday slacking in front of my computer and flipping through magazines. then today, is supposedly my real day to study but i end up watching tv abit, playing computer abit and sleeping ALOT!! omigosh. yesterday night i slept ard 2+am and i woke up at 12.45pm. thats makes it erm.. wait, i go get my calculator...
whoah! thats like 10hours plus plus. and then when i woke up i watch tv. went online and then ard 3+ sleep till nearly 7pm. plus like 4 hours. so thats like 14 hours of sleep today. its like more than half my day was wasted. so that makmeans i had ard 10hours of awake time. i was online for 3hours, i watched tv a total of 4 hours. and this means i had like 3 hours of study time today. hahaha. i'm like a full time slacker. gonna sleep soon later and probably finish my 2 chapters in the late morning.
oh yah. time to count my blessings. haha!! looking at the hug machine, as of now i have a fucking great 31 hugs. wooo weeeeee!!! wait. i have to minus yesterday's hugs cause its cummulative. 31 minus 18 means.. erm. .. 13 hugs. hugs received today plunged by 16% as compared to yesterday over overall hugs. maybe today people didnt feel the mood to hug. but thanx anyway to everyone who made the effort to give me hugs. i love yall!!! now, what are u still waiting for? show me u love me and give me hugs!!! hahahhaha.
ok. todays blog entry abit crappy with nothing much to talk about. well, i lead a boring life u see. maybe after the exams it'd be more happening. i cant wait for it to be over. i wonder when i'll be enlisted to NS. nope not Night Safari, although its kinda safari like there. and i'm so loving how the green we'd be wearing goes really well with my skin tone. i'd like naturally glow everyday. and i so cant wait to use those camo paint thingy u put on ur face. they come in two colors, black and green. i hope its water base or organic or smthing. i dont want it to ruin my skin or clog my pores. and its kinda sad it only comes in 2 shades. its be nice if they had abit of browns or reds. but hey, i can work with 2 colors. you jus need to know how to blend the colors really nicely against one another. maybe i'd go for a shadow kohl-eye look and blend the greens nicely along my apples of the cheek, and use the black to create the illusion of a sunken cheekbone. the look i'm trying to achieve is 'angsty-naturesque glam'. and i'd match it with a luois vuitton monogramme. the browns from the bag will so match the nature theme. omigosh. i'm gonna look stunning!!!
*roll eyes*
its way past my bedtime and i'm losing my sanity. tsk tsk. thats it then. toodles.
test test
i gave u 15 hugs..u had better come to my blog and tag...heeex..
u're so irritating for blogspot to livejournal and back again. lucky i nv update my links. if not i've to do it twice.
i gave u many hugs!
okie, i forgot.
now i know u can count well. from how many hours of slp to how many percent increase in hugs! u damn free la!
thanks so much for the hugss. u've just brightened up my day. now, keep the hugs keep the hugs cumming aight. hahahaha. will visit ur blog soon k.
lol. i changed blogs but they still under the same name, realitee. not that hard to forget one la. hahaha. i get bored so i count how many hugs i've got lor. hahahaha. thanx for the hugs. make it a habit!
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