Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Of Questionaires

hello public

nothing interesting happened lately for me to blog about. was surfing thru frenster when i saw this questionairre thingy that i used to do everytime i saw a new one apearing in my bulletin board. its been a while since i did one of these questionairres so i'm gonna do one right now and post it as an entry. haha.

1.What is the best way to get over someone?
throw away everything and anything that reminds you of them. pick up a new activity that will keep you busy. and eat ice cream while watching thriller/suspense vcds at home. AT ALL COST, avoid watching romantic comedies and those sappy korean drama.

2. What makeup do you wear on a daily basis?
i just slab on some mosturiser and i'm ready to go.

3. What is your status on msn?

4. If you could eat one meal for the rest of your life,what would it be?
omigosh. there's just way too many!! pizza, spaghetti, chicken rice, ice cream, satay, prata...

5. Wat curse word do you use the most?
i'm a sweet little angel as compared to maggie. haha. i rarely curse.

6. Do you own an ipod?
i still prefer my trusty sony discman.

7. Who on your Myspace " top 8 " do you talk to the most?
i dont have a myspace. is it like friendster?

8. What time is ur alarm clock set for?
nowadays i dont set my alarm clock unless i have to work the morning shift. i sleep ard 2am and wake up at 1pm during normal days.

9. Have u ever bid for something on ebay?
nope. i have an account though.

10. Do u wear flip-flops even when its cold outside?
when its cold, it only means that its raining. if i were to wear shoes, itd be soaking wet. so, flip flops would be a good choice.

11. Where do u buy your groceries from?
my mum buys them from sheng shiong or shop and save cause they are the nearest to my house.

12. Wld u rather take the picture or be in the picture?
i actually would love to do both. but being such a camwhore, i can never resist being in the picture. hahaha.

13. What was the last movie u watched? `
failure to launch. i give it 3/5 stars. typical romantic comedy.

14. Do any of ur friends have children?
if i were to call my aunts and uncles my frens, then , yeah, my frens have children.

15. If u won the lottery, wats e first thing uwld buy?
more lottery and ice cream. haagen daaz will fill my fridge.

16. Has anyone ever called u lazy?
its hard for anyone not to.

17. Do you ever tke medication to help you fall asleep faster?
i fall asleep easy enough. instead i guess i need one that keeps me awake. haha.

18. Wat CD is currently in ur CD player?
mariah carey's butterfly album.

19. Do u prefer regular or chocolate milk?
i like strawberry milk a lot. especially the one from dutch lady. yummy yum yum.

20. Has anyone told u a secret this week?
thats a secret i cant say.

21. When was the last time someone hit on u?

22. What did u hav 4 dinner?
asam pedas fish and stir fried kangkong.

23. What is ur biggest fear?
i fear fear.

24. What color is ur car?
chocolatey caremel brown. you are talking about my legs right?

25. Can u whistle?
yeah. but not a loud one.

26. What is ur favorite Christmas movie?

27. Do u make your own jewelery?
nah. i dont wear jewellery in the first place.

28. Ever participated in a protest?
a boycot yes. but dont you need to apply for license to protest in singapore?

29. Who was the last person to call you?
someone from work.

30. What is ur favorite ride at an amusementpark?
nothing at the amusement park is amusing at all.

31. What is something u must do everyday?
sleep. i need to sleep to preserve my sanity.

32. Have u ever dated one of your bestfriends?

33. What area code are u in right now?
amk ave 3.

34. Did u watch cartoons as a child?
i still do. haha.

35. Hw big is ur local mall?
malls in singapore are small as compared to malls i've been to overseas.

36. What is your job title?
cinema service crew.

37. What do u miss most?
life in secondary school.

38. Would you ever sky dive?
i'd love to!!

39. What are you allergic to?
people who are annoying.

40. What is ur biggest regret?
there will sure be things in life that you wished you had done. but, its over. life moves on. dont burden youself with hatred or regret.

41. Have u ever had Jamba Juice?
what the beep is that?

42. When was the last time u laughed so hard ur sides hurt?
i dont remember. it's been a while. but i do laugh alot just that my sides dont hurt.

43. What movies do u know every line to?
i'm not so free to remember everyline they say.

44. Do u own any branded t-shirts?
yeah. a few.

45. What is ur favorite candle scent?
vanilla and strawberry.

46. Wen is ur next plane ride?
i donno. havent had any vacation planned in a long time.

47. Wen ws ur last plane ride?
its been a while. cant really recall exactly when. it was a trip to hatyai, thailand though.

48. Do u crack ur knuckles?
sometimes. when i feel like it. hahaha.

49. Wat course r u studying now?
i jus graduated from a diploma in business administration. next a diploma in combat training or smthing. hahaha.

50. What is ur fav salad dressing?
i love salads. dressings are all fat and calories. whats the use of eating salad when u pile it with cholestrol. so, i jus squeeze abit of lemon juice on my salad. thats all. yummy!!

hohoho. that was fun. till next time then.



Sheryl said...

hahah im reading ur blog during my lunch break!!

ALI JOE said...


i'm glad realitee can keep u company during ur break. =)