Friday, April 04, 2008

hello public

standing in the middle of a highway
alone and hoping to hitch a ride
a car stopped
intentions uncertain
was it because i was along the way
or does sincerity really exist?


today when i saw you
history flashed through my eyes
a glimmer,a sparkle
yet faint.

when i saw the person with you
what glimmered, what sparkled
ceased abrupt like an afternoon drizzle

the hand on yours
felt like jupiter on my shoulders
as gravity gleams with glee


just ignore all the stupid shit above. just some thoughts that i decided to note down. i'm tired. national safari has been nothing less than a butthole. being in HQ isnt as easy it seems. i've been ultra busy with so many different task and having a demanding boss isnt helping either. my attempts of explaining to him the works of meritocracy only proved futile.

only 2 months to ord and everyone's being such an ass. doesnt mean that since i project the persona of blonde hair blue eyes, that everything i say should be taken as crap.

this strawberry scented candle is almost running out of wax.

i think its time for me to start playing the game.

its been a while.


pictorial entry should be up by sunday morning.

till then,


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