it was one of my campmate's birthday bash and he had it as dbl o, a club at mohammed sultan road. i've always tried my best to avoid the area after hearing stories of the place being overrun by mats and minahs. i in no way would like to be associated with the ah bengs and ah lians of my malay community. but nevertheless since he wanted to do it there, i could possibly dig deep into my heritage and act the part of an ITE graduate.

initially i wanted my really best to fit in with the society there and dress like one of them. you know, the tapered jeans, topman sale item shirts, converse shoes, colored contacts and the ugly hairstyles done up with the really bad dye job.
but then i just couldnt find a nice pair of shoes to go with my Fred Perry checkered top. so i just decided to be myself and dress normally.

and then began the drinking frenzy!!

the vodka ribenas.

the flaming lambos. and of course many other drinks that i took sips of from jugs with unknown contents.

and after all that dancing, and mind you, i rocked the podium. LOL!!!, we got tired and decide to go outside for some fresh air.

the group pic of the night.
of course those days of hardcore clubbing are long gone. i guess it was like a passing phase. nowadays, i prefer to spend my days on a leisurely afternoon out with some friends. but that doesnt mean i dont get that urge to club every now and then.
so the next day,
i spent a leisurely afternoon with my neighbour fara.

and the lack of pictures only meant that i had too much fun to take any fotos.
alright, i know this week's entry is rather short but i dont really have much free time to blog this weekend. was my mum's bday today and i spent the afternoon out with my family and now, i gotta rush to pack for camp.
less than 2 months to ORD.
till the next time.
PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE, plsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplspls..... click on the advertisement on my sidebar. its under the tagboard and music column.
click it and i love you long time!!!
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