alright, lets do away with all the emo matters and return back again to my himbotic blonde pictorial entries.
*skips while flipping hair from side to side*
i was out with some friends of mine yesterday and we started to discuss a certain topic.
in fact, a really TABOO one.
but then since it was amongst guys, it was okay to discuss the topic of...
Your Greatest Fantasy
now it doesnt necessarily need to be sexual. but still, after hearing all the usual fantasies of girls in uniforms, spanking, handcuffs and whatnot, it was then my turn to share my greatest fantasy.
so i gave it a thought for a while and then i blurt out...
"i wanna get locked in a shopping centre overnight. paragon to be specific."
*stunned looks from all the alpha males*
a few seconds and a couple of WTFs later, i tried to redeem myself with an explanation.
"wouldnt be exciting to just run wild into gucci, versace or prada and try on everything. then when i'm hungry, i can just skip to sushi tei (still wearing the clothes i tried on from gucci). accidentally spill soy sauce on the $5000 gucci suit. but thats okay cause i can just go back to prada and try on something else. then eat all the cakes from bakerzin and drink all the green tea frappucino from starbucks. spill something again and change to something from calvin klein this time round. and if i need to shit, i can just wipe my ass on a $9000 versace gown."
*more weird looks from all the alpha males as i start to speak faster and in a higher pitch due to an increase level of excitement."
"damn you're weird!"
and so, awkward silence filled the air for a little while as we continued to munch on our unagi burgers.
while i continue to secretly daydream about my greatest fantasy.
anyway. thank god all my friends arent so rigid alpha males. but once in a while i do manage to infect them with my himbotic blonde bug.
like danny who's love for the camera is so profound that its beyond me.

i met up with him at vivocity cause its been forever since i've been there.

and so the camwhoring begins. but not until i taught him the "Ali Joe Act Cute Number Pose".

i only did 1-6 cause i didnt wanna impart to him the WHOLE skill. i still have to keep some of the secrets of the Act Cute Number Pose.
and since danny was so willing enough to do the number pose with me and the keep me company to whole day, i decided to give him a kiss. KISSES in fact.

just look at the BIG grin on his face!! he likes it alright.
*blinks my fake shu uemera eyelashes*
alright. i've gotsa go pack my bag for camp once again. yet another guard duty on the weekend. sucky sucky. but hey, i just gotta tahan for another 2 months.
i cant wait to get out of the camo prints and khaki headdress. SO NOT MY COLOR.
*flicks hair*
till then, love ya and appreciate ya.
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