life is like a slice of watermelon. so nice and juicy but also has those irritating seeds that get in the way of u enjoying the fruit. so what do we do with these irritating seeds? we spit them out of course. but sometimes we accidentally and unwantedly swallow these irritating seeds. and we get damn annoyed. so annoyed that we dont want to eat watermelon anymore cause its such a chore. but then, we remember the sweet and juicy taste of the watermelon and we start to think...
why should i stop enjoying yummy watermelon just because of a few irritating seeds? got a few seeds only what? heck care abit la.
erm, haha. what i wrote above is an assimilation. i hope u guys get the gist.
anyways, i apologise to lack of updates. firstly, i've been busy with work and secondly, my grandparents came from malaysia for a short stayover. they took over my room and i've been cast to the livin room. actually the living room aint that bad of a place to sleep in. and no, i wasnt sleeping on the sofa. my sofa is made of rattan, not leather nor those plush cushion sofas. it'd be freaking unbearable if i were to sleep on my rattan sofa. instaed of brushing my teeth every morning, i'd be applying medicated plaster on my back. anyway, i slept on those mattress thingy that u put on the floor. it wasnt so bad.
anyways, my grandparents staying over has been really great. there was abundance of food and many stories to listen to from my grandfather. the house felt more bustling and homely. well, maybe thats because i'd always been coming home to an empty house and my parents will only be back in the evening. anyways, they departed back to malaysia on saturday morning. the first thing is did was swicth on my aircon and played the computer. hahaha!!
me and barney had planned on an earlier date to meet up on this saturday. i've heard a big brouhaha about a flea market held by Lime Magazine at the youth park. i read in the magazine that there were many great buys available and the flea market is like a huge success. well, i was brimming with enthusiasm to check it out.
barney and i met up in town and walked to the youth park which was located at the back of cathay cineleisure. expecting probably a huge tent filled with stalls and music blasting off speakers. boy, were we in for a suprise.
a freaking major letdown.

it was just a few big assed umbrella with 2 tables under each one. there were probably less than 20 stalls or smthing. the thing with most of the stalls is that they were selling female acessories. you know, those crappy beaded necklaces and earrings thingy that cost like 5 bucks or smthing. then the rest of the stalls sold clothes, female clothes to be exact. and some other bunch of crap that i cant even remember. i breezed thru the whole bazaar in less than 5 minutes.
bargain found? none.
anything bought? none.
enthusiasm level? none.
satisfaction? none.
well, lets just say reading a dictionary would be more stimulating than this Blah Bazaar.
so after that letdown, we decided to pay a visit to my favouritest location to hang out. city hall!!!
city hall was okay. its boring when you want a shopping spree without anything specific in mind. nothing seems to catch my eye anymore. shopping bores me!!! after that we decided to visit funan to check out digital cameras. i've been thinking of getting a new smaller digital camera and decided to give it a looksee. on the way to funan, we passed by the Padang and this big justice building thingy which i think is the supreme court or smthing. i loves the architecture of the place. well, since we were damn bored, we decided to do what i love best. CAM-WHORING!!!!!!!
click on the pics to see a bigger version.

haha. cam whoring was the highlight of the day. hehehe.
then we went to funan where i had pizza hut for dinner. yummy hawaian. has anyone seen any pirated game cd stalls lately. you know those shops that sell all the pirated version of microsoft softwares to puzzle bubble games. i've been intending to get sim 2 but its like $54.90 fopr the starting pack. i may have money to blow but i dont wanna spend it on a game that i might get bored on 3 weeks later. if anyone knows where these pirated stalls are residing, dont hesitate to tell me.
anyways, we spent the rest of the time free loading off xbox-es that ahad a trial game. funan is like a free arcade. hahaha. loves it! you know what, all shops at funan close ard 9pm on a saturday night. so shocking. retail outlets usually open as long as possible on a saturday night as that is a peak period. but then i was disrupted while i was trying to configure how to play a racing game they had on trial. i think it was caled need for speed or smthing. so we left the shop and noticed most of the other shops already had their shutters pulled down and it was like only 8.45pm.
we were kinda tired and decided to take a cab home. had a nice day. i guess i kinda am getting bored with shopping in singapore, everythings the same. well hey, maybe i'd change my mind about shopping 5 years down the road when i'm earning megatroopers and sowing my seeds in Gucci, Prada and Dolce Gabbana.
who gives a damn about my $1.70 keychain from ang mo kio when i can have a $400 dangling Prada robot keychain off my keys instead. hohoho!
gimme hugs k. i wont really be counting down my hugs anymore but that doesnt mean i dont wan hugs. i love them and will love you if u give me them. jus click click click aight. thats it for now then, toodles.
i am damn lazy.. so here goes
*2000000 hugs*
eh u dont comment on my blog and u expect me to comment on yours.
let's skip shopping and meet up again for another cam-whoring session.. most fun (tho damn embarrassing) time.. e zoo maybe? reptile house?
eh. u evil person. i know ur conscience bugs you. u better gimme real hugs!!!
i'll comment on ur blog when the time is right. hehe!!
but i love shopping. just that i cant find anything to buy. but hey, i love cam whoring more!!! hohoho!!! hmm we'll see...
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