i noticed i forgot to count my blessings in my previous update. must have been because i needed to rush off for work so counting my blessings slipped my mind. well, thou shall admit your mistake and correct it, and so i shall.
at last count in one of my previous post, total hugs amounted up to 10 606. at present, hugs accumulated is 10 912. that means i have received 306 hugs since 10 days ago. which is ard 30hugs a day. well well. i'm happy. even though the numbers might not be huge or massive, blow me or give me an orgasm, i'm still happy that there are people out there who still appreciates me.
so everyone, if u love Alvin Hilton, show me ur undying love and support and give me hugs. the more the merrier. if you dont, may your conscience bug you forever and ever till you repent and gimme hugs!
alright. remember, all hugs are not refundable, returnable or exchangeable for cash!
well then, as you all know, i've been rather caught up with work lately. and before being all caught up with work at gold vagina(the place i work), i was busily studying for my exams. no where in between did i manage to take time off to enjoy a leisurely spree in town. since i had a day off on wednesday, i already pre-planned with horsey to meet up to go to town that day. i was so looking forward to spreeeeing the day away slashing my bank balance like kenshi from samurai x. so i splashed on some calvin klein, lucido my hair and slipped on my gold puma shoes and was ready to go.
first we decided to have lunch at Breeks(one of my favourite places to dine). took quite a while to decide what to get off the menu. and finally settled on the simple yet high cholestrol, fish and chips while horsey settled on a suprisingly small serving of chicken sandwich. the suprising part wasnt the sandwich but was the fact that she ordered a sandwich. horsey isnt your usual small eater unlike yours truly. hahaha. well, after filling our bellies, we decided to just leisurely walk around cause i have nothing specific to buy but i wanna buy a lot of stuff.
and so we walked here, walked there, walked everywhere, walk walk walk. nothing caught my eye. NOTHING. from wisma, ngee ann, fareast, tangs to heeren. nothing caught my eye. i did say i want a shopping spree but that doesnt mean i will buy stuff just for the sake of buying. i'm a practical buyer(most of the time) and i weigh pros and cons when i buy smthing, like whether i'd use it or will it jus be smthing that will forever remain stuck in my closet. throughout the whole day, nothing really caught my interest to purchase. oooh. there was smthing that caught my eye. it was this long sleeve shirt from Guess which had tonnes of glittery sequins over the front of the shirt. but i thought it was just way OTT and couldnt find an occasion to wear it. but if i was going to prom(which was the next day but i wasnt going) that would be the one i'd be gracing the event with. to me prom, is about glamour and looking gorgeous effortlessly. even though u might have preened infront of the mirror for 3 hours or got somebody else to doll u up, you dont wanna look like you did. cause that is like so loser.
ooo. off topic!! tsk tsk. anyway, in town met mr muscle(my hairstylist) and he told me that he's changed location for the salon to 2 stories up in the same mall. whined about my hair for a while and promised to make an appointment one of these days with him. later, decided to proceed back to tomatotown as horsey needed to return a dvd she rented. so we left town.
well, my shopping spree didnt really happen. the only thing i bought that day was mary j blige cd from hmv, heeren. back in tomatotown, we decided to chill a while in macD. then, i whipped out my digicam and camwhored in the middle of a crowded macD oblivious to my surrounding.

thats all for now, toodles.
where u working now...why i dunnoe de...eh..find one day go out leh...but not on shopping sphree la..i not so rich...
it's always the case... shopping spree but ended up with nothing much.. haha
hoho. u have to tell me when u're free and i see when i'm free then i'll pencil u in my planner aight!
no spree then wad?
yeah. this feeling sucks. when u have money, nothing to buy. when u dont, millions to buy!!!
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