Monday, March 21, 2005

heloo public,

update bout today. finished the business law project. oh goodie. went out for dinner with pat after class. on the train back, we saw pat's eye candy. he is tall, muscular and ... gay. haha. but i hated his hair.

then we went for dinner at pasta mania at bishan. pat had driving lessons later so i accompanied her for dinner. at pastamania i saw my new eye candy. lets call her capsicum. she had really cute eyes and damn cute chubby cheek but she wasnt fat. she looks damn cute. haha. i jus wanna go there and squeeze those cheeks. she works as a waitress at pasta mania. pat? everytime u wanna go dinner we go pastamania k? hahaha. oh btw, she's a butch. hahaa. a damn cute one. the cutest i've seen. hahaha. oh gosh. i have a thing for butches!!! haha.

oh then we cant finish our food cause we were like too full. so we mixed the creamy chicken fusilli with lots of chilli flakes, tobasco sauce, parmesan cheese and loads of pepper. then we played scissors paper stone for nine times. who lose must eat one fussili. guess who lost. pat!!! she lost 8 out of 9 time!!!! OMG!!! i was laughing like mad seeing her eat all the damn spicy fusilli. i ate one and it was very spicy. she had to eat eight. haha. so poor thing. hahaha.

overall i enjoyed today. i had fun but only towards the last part of the day. hahaha. =)

since you've been blonde,
alivin hilton

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