hello public again,
My 2006 Resolutions List
1) lose weight.
i may have lost a teeny weeny amount of weight as a result of national safari but thats not enough. in fact, its never enough. i wanna be skinnier as in nicole richie skinny and those dior homme models skinny kind. my aim is to have a whole wardrobes of sizes XS and S. well, maybe a couple of size M for those i-feel-fat days.

2) go for facials and massages.
the national safari has simply fucked up my complexion. to me good looks are important. its not a vanity thing. havent u heard of first impression matters. beautiful people usually get things their way. why do they put pretty people as front sales staff? for 2 simple reasons. to attract customers. and people feel better talking to a good looking person. i'm not making it up, i read this in a magazine somewhere before.
why massages? well, national safari has overworked my body and the tension needs to be eased for a better well being.
when u look good, you feel good.
when you feel good, things go your way much better.
3) be more organised. note to self: get a diary planner.
dont you sometimes feel frustrated when your plans are all jumbled up. a planner will help me keep track of future activities. also i will use the planner to tabulate my spendings. i've been going way over the hills with my spending and i have no idea where all the money in my bank disintegrates to. which brings me to my next resolution.
4) save $$$ and reduce spending.
i simply cant imagine where all my pay and allowance go to. money in my bank account is like alcohol left in the open. it evaporates. really fast. although i still havent seen the point of saving yet, i really need to start young for my own future's good. i need to cut down on those restaurant lunches and dinners. the last time i stepped into a hawker centre would probably be in the late 1990's. my fren, werdna has also shown me the light of cutting expenses. stop patronising cafes.
i do have to admit. i have a soft spot for starbucks's frappucinos and the chai tea lattes from coffee bean. and this would easily set me back around six bucks for my usual grandes. and i dont drink one cup in a day. i start with at least a 2.
apparently, my penchant for fine dining and drinking is causing a hole in my pocket. anyway, all the stuff i eat and drink just turns to shit and piss in the long run. and also it makes me fat. so, simple plan to save and lose weight. stop spending so much on food.
see, kill 2 birdies with 1 stone.
well, i have another confession. everytime i pass by a magazine stand, i simply cant resist buying a magazine. be it those frilly gossip magazines or even a health magazine. i love magazines. i rarely read books and i only flip the newspaper to check for tv schedules. but i've tabulated and once i even spent up to $50 a month on magazines alone. tsk tsk.
i seriously should keep a book on what i spend on. at least at the end of the month, i know where all my money go to and i can keep cutting cost from there.
well enough about spending, lets move on to my next resolution.
5) be happy, have fun and be outgoing.
whatever it is in life. there's no use fretting over. life is short and if we dont try our best to enjoy it now. then when else. we must treasure our youth while we still have it. sometimes certain things in life just dont go away. but look at it this way, they are there as learning experiences and tomorrow everything will be better.
over the years, i have been a little reserve. 2007 will be a year where i break my barriers.
watch out world.
here i come.
*splat splat splat*
till next time guys, i wanna thank all of you for reading my blog. i know it may not be the most popular blog or the most interesting one. but the fact that u guys still read it makes me happy!
ps: to kathleen and melvin, happy birthday!
ps: to werdna, take care. i'll be counting down the days till they bring sexy back. =)
i shall leave you guys with a photo of mambo night at zouk.

thanks maddie, yasi, jess, mavis and eve!!! i had soooooooooo much fun. lets do it again!