Tuesday, January 25, 2005

heloo public.

when i started this journal, one of the purpose is so that i can have a outlet for my feelings. so i can vent my frustrations or share the pleasures of life. well, today, i have a confession.

i think i like someone. it could jus be infatuation. i don really know myself. but recently, i've been thinkin bout her a lot. lalala. rest assured that its a female. lol. lets call this girl Lemon Mint. haha. i come up with wierd code names that no one can figure out what the relation is to the person. it actually has something to do with the person. haha. go figure. anyway. me thinks this girl is sweet and uber cute. hahaha. and i know her. hehe.

and the plot thickens.=P

not tellin who, cause it might be you!
a l i l i c i o u s

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